为了提高地铁钢轨打磨效率,解决地铁钢轨打磨车打磨功率不足、打磨作业速度低、作业速度和打磨头落点误差大等问题,研制DGMC-20JS型钢轨打磨车。该打磨车由柴油发电机组或接触网供电,采用交流电传动模式,整车由2节10磨头打磨车编组而成。详细阐述钢轨打磨车主要系统设计。在试验线,对钢轨打磨车打磨性能开展试验。试验结果表明,采用钢轨打磨车打磨钢轨时,实际作业速度误差在±0.3 km/h以内,打磨落点误差最大为0.75 mm,均满足要求;打磨后的钢轨轮廓、切削量、轨面粗糙度等高于标准要求。
In order to improve the efficiency of metro rail grinding and solve the problems of metro rail grinding vehicle such as insufficient power of grinding,low grinding operation speed,large error of operation speed and landing point of grinding head,DGMC-20JS rail grinding vehicle is developed.This grinding vehicle adopts alternating current drive mode which is powered by diesel generator set or overhead catenary system,and the whole vehicle is composed of two grinding cars with 10 grinding heads.The design contents of the main system of rail grinding vehicle are described in detail.In the test line,the grinding performance of rail grinding vehicle is tested.The test results show that the actual working speed error is within±0.3 km/h,and the maximum error of landing point during grinding is 0.75 mm when rail grinding vehicle is used to grind rail,which meet the requirements;after the rail is grinded,the rail profile,cutting amount and rail surface roughness are higher than the requirements in the standard.
Railway Quality Control
Rail Grinding Vehicle
AC Drive
Grinding Performance
Operation Speed