

Study on vibration response of tracked robot based on multi-body coupling of supporting wheel-track-ground
摘要 构建支重轮-履带-地面多体耦合系统是研究履带机器人行驶平顺性的重要环节。以单侧五支重轮履带机器人为研究对象,在非线性悬挂系统模型以及考虑履带滤波作用的路面激励的基础上,建立了履带机器人振动理论估算模型。然后,基于履带机器人在不同等级路面及不同行驶速度工况下的仿真实验,利用均方根值定量分析了行驶速度、路面激励对机器人车体及其支重轮垂向振动的影响。最后,通过开展外路实验来验证七自由度半车的振动理论估算模型和动力学仿真模型。结果表明:随着行驶速度和路面不平度的提高,履带机器人车体的垂向振动近似呈线性增大,履带对路面激励有滤波作用。履带机器人车体质心及支重轮1,3,5的垂向振动加速度对路面激励最为敏感,车体垂向振动加速度功率谱密度幅值在频率为19 Hz左右时最大。由于支重轮5靠近驱动段,履带与主动轮啮合产生的多边形效应使其垂向振动相对于其他支重轮偏大。理论建模、仿真分析及外路实验相结合的方法为履带机器人在不同路况下的振动响应特性研究提供了新思路。 The construction of supporting wheel-track-ground multi-body coupling system is an important link for the travelling smoothness study of tracked robots.Taking the unilateral fivesupporting wheel tracked robot as the study object,the theoretical estimation model for tracked robot vibration was established on the basis of the nonlinear suspension system model and the road excitation considering the track filtering effect.Then,based on the simulation experiments of the tracked robot under working conditons with different road levels and different driving speeds,the effects of driving speed and road excitation on the vertical vibration of the robot body and its supporting wheels were quantitatively analyzed by the root mean square value.Finally,the theoretical vibration estimation model and dynamics simulation model of the seven-degree-of-freedom semi-vehicle were verified by external road experiments.The results showed that the vertical vibration of the tracked robot body increased linearly with the increase of driving speed and road roughness,and the track had a filtering effect on the road excitation.The vertical vibration acceleration of the tracked robot body centroid and the supporting wheel 1,3,5 were most sensitive to the road excitation,and the power spectral density amplitude of the vertical vibration acceleration of the robot body was the largest when the frequency was about 19 Hz.As the supporting wheel 5 was close to the driving section,the polygonal effect generated by the track engaging with the active wheel made its vertical vibration larger than that of the other supporting wheels.The combination of theoretical modeling,simulation analysis and external experiment provides a new idea for the study of vibration response characteristics of tracked robots under different road conditions.
作者 宋佳琪 张宏 王景宇 殷国珠 SONG Jiaqi;ZHANG Hong;WANG Jingyu;YIN Guozhu(School of Mechanical Engineering,Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China)
出处 《工程设计学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期456-464,共9页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(52075355) 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(YDZJSX20231A050) 山西省重点研发计划项目(202202100401012)。
关键词 履带机器人 多体耦合 支重轮 垂向振动 响应特性 tracked robot multi-body coupling supporting wheel vertical vibration response characteristics
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