

Current Situation,Problems,and Countermeasures of Social Capital's Participation in Ecological Protection and Restoration--A Case Study of National Ecological Civilization Pilot Area(Guizhou)
摘要 社会资本参与生态保护修复是解决生态保护修复资金来源单一、数量不足、渠道偏窄等问题的可行路径。文章以全国生态文明建设试验区贵州省为研究对象,在总结社会资本参与生态保护修复实践成效和分析问题的基础上,提出了完善社会资本参与生态保护修复的对策。一是针对生态产品价值实现机制不健全问题,可采取确权登记明晰产权、开发培育生态产品、制定政策促进碳汇产品开发交易等,完善生态产品价值实现机制;二是针对投融资体系不完善问题,可采取深化银政企合作,推动金融机构创新融资模式,设立中小企业贷款风险补偿金等措施;三是针对市场流通服务体系建设不到位问题,可通过设立工作领导小组和生态保护修复机构,建立生态产品交易服务平台,完善市场交易法律法规,强化科技和人才支撑等举措,完善市场服务体系;四是针对市场监督管理体系不完备问题,建议建立健全全流程的监管体系。 Social capital's participation in eco-protection and restoration is a feasible way to solve the problems of single source,insufficient quantity,and narrow channels of eco-protection and restoration funds.Taking Guizhou province,a national eco-civilization construction pilot area,as the research object,the article puts forward countermeasures to improve social capital's participation in ecoprotection and restoration on the basis of summarizing the effectiveness of social capital's participation in eco-protection and restoration practice and analyzing the problems.First,the problem of the unsound mechanism of realizing the value of eco-products can be solved by confirming and registering the rights and clarifying the property rights,developing and cultivating eco-products,and formulating policies to promote the development and trade of carbon sink products.Second,to solve the problem of imperfect investment and financing systems,measures can be taken such as deepening the cooperation among banks,governments,and enterprises,promoting the innovative financing mode of financial institutions,and setting up the risk compensation fund for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.Third,for the problem of inadequate market circulation service system construction,measures can be taken to improve the market service system such as establishing leading groups and eco-protection and restoration institutions,establishing eco-products trading service platforms,improving market trading laws and regulations,strengthening science and technology and talent support.Fourth,for the incomplete market supervision and management system,it is suggested to establish and improve the whole-process supervision system.
作者 金桃 任勇 潘伯娟 董艳艳 廖小锋 刘弢 JIN Tao;REN Yong;PAN Bojuan;DONG Yanyan;LIAO Xiaofeng;LIU Tao(Guizhou Institute of Mountain Resources,Guiyang 550001,China;Guizhou Land Development and Remediation Center,Guiyang 550001,China;Guizhou Engineering Research Center for Land Green Remediation,Guiyang 550001,China)
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2024年第8期30-37,共8页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 贵州省基础研究计划项目“微波强化赤泥中稀土元素浸出的效应及机制研究”(黔科合基础-ZK[2023]一般232) 贵州省科技支撑计划项目“贵州石灰岩矿采矿迹地植物生态修复竹种筛选与应用示范研究”(黔科合支撑[2023]一般048) 贵阳市科技计划项目“黔中地区耕地提质改造关键技术集成创新与应用示范”(筑科合同[2023]6-2号)。
关键词 社会资本 生态保护 生态修复 生态文明建设 贵州 social capital eco-protection eco-restoration ecological civilization construction Guizhou
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