

Textual Research on Officials Involved in Building Water Conservancy Projects in the Tang Dynasty Recorded in Geographic Record of The New Book of Tang:
摘要 唐文明的发展离不开水利的支撑,唐代官吏主持兴修大量的水利工程来推动当时农业的发展。《新唐书·地理志》保存了唐代水利建设的一手资料,从中统计出唐代有姓名可查的130名官吏主持兴修水利工程,包括从中央到地方的道、州(府、郡)、县各级官吏,反映出唐代从上到下对水利的重视。唐代兴修水利工程的官吏,唐前期多于唐后期,南方多于北方,反映出全国水利重心的转移;任职以地方的州刺史和县令为主。水利工程不仅是中央考课地方官吏政绩的重要指标,也是百姓评价官吏的主要依据,唐代水利工程多以官命名体现出百姓对官吏水利贡献的认可。 The development of Tang civilization relied on the water conservancy projects.A large number of water conservancy projects were built in the Tang Dynasty by officials to promote the agricultural development.Geographic Record of The New Book of Tang keeps the first-hand data on water conservancy construction in the Tang Dynasty.According to statistics,130officials with name recorded in the Tang Dynasty were in charge of water conservancy projects,including officials at all levels from the central to local prefectures and counties,reflecting the importance that the Tang Dynasty attached to water conservancy projects from the central to local government.In the Tang Dynasty,there were more officials involved in building water conservancy projects in the early Tang Dynasty than in the late Tang Dynasty,and more in the south than in the north,reflecting the shift of the national water conservancy center.And the officials who built water conservancy projects were mainly local state governors and county magistrates.The water conservancy project was not only an important indicator of the government officials' achievements in the central examination,but also the main basis for the people to evaluate the officials.The naming of water conservancy projects after officials in the Tang Dynasty reflects the recognition of the people to the government officials' contributions to water conservancy projects.
作者 冯乐辉 Feng Lehui
出处 《农业考古》 北大核心 2024年第4期140-148,共9页 Agricultural Archaeology
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“环境史视野下的黄河中下游地区传统农业精耕细作体系研究”(项目编号:20AZS015)。
关键词 唐代 水利工程 官吏 《新唐书·地理志》 the Tang Dynasty water conservancy project officials Geographic Record of The New Book of Tang
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