

Experimental Study on Long-term Stability of Solidified Fly Ash from Incineration of Hazardous Waste
摘要 为了了解不同的固体废物毒性浸出方法对危险废物焚烧飞灰固化体长期浸出行为评价的适用性,以杭州某处置中心焚烧飞灰固化体为试验对象,通过1)三个标准方法飞灰固化体的浸出毒性试验;2)多级浸出方法MEP试验;3)不同定pH值浸出试验;4)自然环境中干湿交替浸出试验;5)渗滤液影响浸出行为试验,考察固化体中重金属在不同浸出过程的浸出行为,分析了浸出过程的影响因素和浸出方法的适用性,提出了固化体长期稳定性的测试建议。结果表明:pH是影响飞灰固化体浸出毒性的关键因素。现行的HJ557、HJ/T299、HJ/T 300不能准确评价飞灰固化体中重金属的潜在危险性。多级浸出方法MEP能够提取出飞灰固化体在弱酸性环境中不稳定的重金属,可作为对重金属的稳定性和环境风险评价的参考依据。定pH值浸出试验不仅可以评价不同pH下飞灰固化体的浸出毒性也可以测定飞灰固化体的酸中和容量,能在更长时间尺度上了解飞灰固化体中重金属的潜在浸出性。 To understand the applicability of different solid waste toxicity leaching methods for evaluating the long-term leaching behavior of solidified fly ash from incineration of hazardous waste,a study was conducted on the solidified fly ash from a disposal center in Hangzhou.The study examined leaching behaviors of solidified heavy metals in different leaching processes,analyzed the factors affecting the leaching process and applicability of the leaching methods,and proposed testing suggestions to the long-term stability of the solidified bodies through:1) leaching toxicity tests of the solidified fly ash with three standard methods;2) multiple extraction procedure(MEP) tests,3) pHstat leaching test;4) alternate dry-wet leaching tests simulating natural environmental conditions;and 5) tests examining influence of hazardous waste leachate on leaching behavior.The results indicated that pH was a key factor affecting the leaching toxicity of the solidified fly ash.The existing standards HJ557,HJ/T299 and HJ/T 300 cannot accurately assess potential risks of heavy metals in the solidified fly ash.The multiple extraction procedure(MEP) could extract metals from the unstable heavy metals from the solidified fly ash in a weakly acidic environment,serving as a reference for evaluating the stability and environmental risk of heavy metals.The pHstat leaching test not only allows the assessment of the leaching toxicity of the solidified fly ash at different pH values,but also measures the acid neutralization capacity of the solidified fly ash,providing insight into the potential leachability of heavy metals from the solidified fly ash over a long time.
作者 陈清艳 吕杭权 程东日 CHEN Qing-yan;LV Hang-quan;CHENG Dong-ri(Hangzhou Lijia Environmental Services Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311108,China)
出处 《四川环境》 2024年第4期157-163,共7页 Sichuan Environment
关键词 危险废物 焚烧飞灰 固化体 浸出毒性 长期稳定性 Hazardous waste fly ash solidified products leaching toxicity long-term stability
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