

Research on Digital Multidimensional Compilation of Historical Charts and Archives from the Perspective of Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of the Territorial Sea
摘要 我国现存有丰富的海图历史档案,从维护领海权益的政治高度,对其开展数字化多维编纂,有助于汇集散存海图,形成专题性编纂产品,为维护领海主权提供历史证据。论文阐述海图历史档案内涵外延,及其数字化多维编纂的理论与价值,在分析数字化编纂存在的理论研究缺失、档案文献散存、汇编方法滞后等问题的基础上,提出档案数字化多维编纂方法。构建编纂工作机制,开展资源性、专题性与嵌入式海图历史档案数字化编纂,多渠道推送档案编纂产品,对开展海洋意识教育、维护我国领海主权有重要意义。 There are abundant historical Archives of nautical charts in China,and from the political height of safeguarding the rights and interests of territorial sea,carrying out the digital multi-dimensional compilation of these Archives will help to bring together the scattered nautical charts,form thematic compilation products,and provide historical evidence for safeguarding the sovereignty of territo rial sea.The thesis explains the connotation and extension of the historical Archives of nautical charts and the theory and value of their digital multi-dimensional compilation,and puts forward the method of digital multi-dimensional compilation of the Archives based on the analysis of the lack of theoretical research on the existence of digital compilation,the scattering of archival documents,the lagging behind of the compilation method and other problems.It is of great significance to build a compilation mechanism,carry out the digital compilation of resource,thematic and embedded nautical charts and historical Archives,and promote the products of archive compilation through multi-channels,so as to carry out the education of maritime awareness and safeguard the sovereignty of China's territorial waters.
作者 华林 吴皎钰 梁泷予 Hualin;Wu Jiaoyu;Liang Longyu
出处 《档案管理》 北大核心 2024年第3期84-87,共4页 Archives Management
基金 教育部重大招标项目“元明清时期中国边疆治理文献整理与数据库建设研究”(项目批准号:21JZD042)资助,是该项目阶段性成果。
关键词 海图历史 领海权益 数字档案 档案编研 多维编纂 档案征集 数据库 档案文化 Marine map history Territorial rights and interests Digital archives Archive compilation Multidimensional compilation Collection of archives Database Archival culture
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