

“Transfer of Benefits”between the LDP and the Unification Church under“Separation of Church and State”
摘要 实行“政教分离”的日本,政党政治与宗教团体依然有着千丝万缕的联系。日本宪法规定了宗教不能干预国家政权的行政事务,但宗教团体参与社会政治的权利和自由并未被剥夺,由此产生政党与宗教团体之间错综复杂的互动关系问题。当宗教团体支持的政党执政后,往往会利用手中的权力为宗教团体提供特殊的政治保护。自民党与统一教正是通过相互“利益输送”连接起来的,自民党是统一教在政权领域的利益代表者和实现者,统一教则是自民党赢得政治权力所需要的社会支持者和财力后援,自民党议员利用政治权力,给予统一教政治和行政上的关照,以换取长期执政所需的“金钱”与“选票”,这明显违背了《日本国宪法》第二十条第一项。安倍遇刺使得自民党与统一教的“金权政治”交易大白于世,亦反映出日本政坛背离“政教分离”原则的政治腐败根深蒂固。 The implementation of the“separation of church and state”does not mean that party politics and religious groups can not have any contact at all.Religious groups are not deprived of the right and freedom to participate in social politics,which gives rise to the intricate and complex interactive relationship between political parties and religious groups.The LDP and the Unification Church are connected through a mutual“transfer of benefits”in which the LDP is the representative of the interests of the Unification Church in the realm of power,while the Unification Church is the social supporter and financial backer needed by the LDP to win political power,and the LDP legislators use their political power to give the Unification Church political and administrative favours,which is a clear violation of Article 20,Item 1 of the Constitution of Japan.The assassination of Abe brought to light the LDP“gold power politics”deal with the Unification Church,and reflected the deep-rooted political corruption in Japanese political arena that deviate from the principle of“separation of church and state”.
作者 鞠佳颖 吕耀东 JU Jiaying;LU Yaodong
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期38-50,151,152,共15页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“日本海洋战略及政策研究”(20FJB006),教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地“十四五”重大项目“国际秩序大变革背景下的东北亚相关国家战略调整研究”(22JJD810033),中国社会科学院创新工程项目“战后日本国际战略及政策研究”(2023RBSB01)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 政党 政教分离 自民党 统一教 利益输送 金权政治 political parties religion separation of church and state Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) the Unification Church transfer of benefits gold power politics








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