

How and Why Has EU Changed Its Arctic Policy under Background of Geopolitical Competition?
摘要 随着国际政治格局的不断演变,北极地区日益成为大国关注的新疆域。2021年,欧盟发布了《欧盟更有力地参与建设和平、可持续与繁荣的北极》的文件,更加强调地缘安全问题,并将推行强硬环境保护政策,这反映出欧盟希望深入北极事务、追求规范话语权的倾向。2008年以来,欧盟北极政策的变化与北极地区地缘政治竞争程度的波动存在内在联系,新版北极政策的调整旨在缓解地缘竞争背景下欧盟在北极事务中面临的地缘政治压力。在俄乌冲突背景下,欧盟新版北极政策的推进既面临地缘政治的挑战,也受到欧盟内部危机以及政策内在矛盾性等方面的限制,难以达成其在北极地区的利益诉求。在可预见的未来,欧盟北极政策仍将延续该文件的主基调。 With the continuous evolution of the international political landscape,the Arctic region has increasingly become a new territory of great power concern.In 2021,the EU issued the document“A Stronger EU Engagement for a Peaceful,Sustainable and Prosperous Arctic”which it emphasizes more on geo-security issues and will implement tough environmental protection policies.This reflects the EU’s tendency to go deep into Arctic affairs and pursue normative power of discourse.Since 2008,there has been an intrinsic link between the changes in the EU’s Arctic policy and the fluctuations in the degree of geopolitical competition in the Arctic region.The adjustment of the new Arctic policy aims to alleviate the geopolitical pressure faced by the EU in the Arctic affairs under the background of geopolitical competition.In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict,the promotion of the EU’s new Arctic policy faces not only geopolitical challenges,but also constraints from the EU’s internal crisis and the inherent contradictions of the policy,making it difficult to achieve its interests in the Arctic region.In the foreseeable future,the EU Arctic policy will continue the main tone of the document.
作者 郭静 GUO Jing(College of Politics and International Relations,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期28-36,共9页 Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家海洋局极地考察办公室委托课题“俄乌冲突对我国极地安全和权益的影响研究”(JDB202306020006)。
关键词 欧盟 北极政策 地缘政治 规范话语权 EU Arctic policy geopolitics normative power of discourse
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