

Practice Paths for Promoting the“Three Inclusions”of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era:A Case Study of the Course English Translation in Universities
摘要 推进习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材进课堂进头脑,既是实现高校“立德树人”育人目标的内在要求,也是推进课程思政建设的重要内容。然而,在外语教学与“三进”融合过程中存在“进教材”贴合度不够、“进课堂”灵活度不够和“进头脑”深度不够等现实问题。为此,以高校英语翻译课程为例,提出推动“三进”与外语课程思政深度融合的实践路径:(一)精选素材,拓展补充思政语料,提升教材内容的契合度;(二)创新教学方式,灵活运用思政元素,提升课堂教学效果;(三)扩展第二课堂,挖掘文化育人资源,增强育人成效;(四)建立多元的评价考核机制,全面评估育人实效。 The Implementation of important measures for the“Three Inclusions”of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is not only an inherent requirement for achieving the educational goal of“fostering integrity and promoting rounded development of people”in universities,but also a crucial path to advance the construction of ideological and political education.However,in the process of integrating foreign language teaching and the“Three Inclusions”,there are some practical issues such as weak correlation in“incorporating into teaching materials”,insufficient flexibility in“implementing in classrooms”,and a lack of depth in“engraving in students’minds”,etc.Based on the above,this study takes the course English Translation in universities as an example and proposes the practical approach to promote the deep integration of the“Three Inclusions”with ideological and political education in foreign language courses,and the approach is based on the following four aspects.Firstly,pick and choose materials,expand ideological and political resources and enhance the relevance of the content in textbooks;Secondly,innovate teaching modes,flexibly utilize ideological and political elements to enhance the effectiveness of classroom instruction.Thirdly,expand extracurricular activities,explore cultural educational resources and enhance the effectiveness of education.Finally,establish a diversified evaluation and assessment mechanism to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of education.
作者 王冠 WANG Guan(School of Foreign Studies,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi)
出处 《陕西理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期75-84,共10页 Journal of Shaanxi University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 陕西省“十四五”教育科学规划2022年度课题(SGH22Y1349) 陕西理工大学2023年校级科研项目(SLGSKXM2312) 陕西理工大学2023年校级教育科研项目(JYYJ2023-03) 陕西理工大学“课程思政”教学改革与研究项目(KCSZ2336)。
关键词 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 “三进” 英语翻译课程 课程思政 Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era “Three Inclusions” course of English Translation ideological and political education
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