

Communist Party of Belarus' Exploration of the Socialist Path in the Century with Dramatic Change
摘要 自2020年以来,世界形势错综复杂,百年变局加速演进。作为地缘对抗前沿要地的白俄罗斯,国内历经政治危机以及由此引发的修宪公投与政治体制改革,国际上受俄乌冲突影响而面临西方国家的全方位打压与制裁。在这一背景下,白俄罗斯共产党在理论上深刻反思政治危机的原因与教训,深化对资本主义侵略本质的认识,提出政党现代化的变革目标;在实践中积极参与国家宪法修订并把党的部分主张转变为国家意志,在宪法框架内重新注册、积极备选参选。2024年2月议会选举结果显示白共未达预期目标,这暴露出白共当前所面临的困境:党员规模力量不足、政党定位及发展战略不清、发展受国内弱政党政治格局所限等。未来,白共将继续在马克思列宁主义指导下探索社会主义道路,全面支持以卢卡申科总统为首的白俄罗斯现政权。同时白共将面临着更为复杂和激烈的政治竞争,如果不能克服所面临的诸多困难,其发展将难以突破瓶颈。 Since 2020, the momentous changes of a like not seen in a century are accelerating across the world. As a strategic place at the forefront of geopolitical confrontation, Belarus has been undergoing a political crisis and the resulting referendum on constitutional amendment and political system reform, and has been affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, facing all-around oppression and sanctions from the West. In this context, the Communist Party of Belarus has deeply reflected on the causes and lessons of the political crisis in theory, deepened the understanding of the nature of capitalist aggression, and put forward the reform goal with the modernization of the political party as the main content. In practice, the Party has actively participated in the revision of the Constitution and embedded some of the Party's propositions into the will of the state, re-registered within the framework of the Constitution, and actively prepared for election. However, the loss of the status of the largest party in the parliament in the parliamentary election in February 2024 has exposed the difficulties it faces: insufficient party members, limited development by the political structure of weak political parties in the country, and the positioning and development strategy of the Party to be clarified and so on. In the future, the Communist Party of Belarus will continue to explore the socialist road under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and fully support the current regime in Belarus headed by President Lukashenko. At the same time, the Communist Party of Belarus will face more complicated and fierce political competition. If it cannot overcome the difficulties, its development will be tricky to break through the bottleneck.
作者 康晏如 Kang Yanru
出处 《当代世界社会主义问题》 2024年第2期73-83,166,共12页 Issues of Contemporary World Socialism
基金 中国社会科学院马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重大项目“世界大变局下国外社会主义新发展”(2019MGCZD003)。
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