

Analysis of Social Media Mobilization Strategies of Polish New Left in the Parliamentary Election
摘要 在人工智能革命推动政治领域发生重大变革的背景下,利用数字化媒介进行选举动员成为政党争取选票的重要方式。波兰新左翼党在2023年议会选举期间,依托社交媒体平台构建宣传矩阵,树立政党形象;利用人工智能算法辅助竞选广告投放,精准吸引选民;整合社交媒体平台竞选资源,提高竞选能力。这些社交媒体动员策略取得了较好效果:新左翼党及其领导人的影响力得以提升,该党在选举前夕的被动局面得以扭转、左翼选民的主体意识有所增强。在此推动下,该党最终成功进入执政联盟,打破了右翼政党轮流上台执政的政党格局。但是,伴随波兰复杂的数字生态系统不断演化、多党竞争日趋激烈,新左翼党在利用社交媒体动员过程中也面临诸多挑战,如虚假信息泛滥、议题狭窄、政党辨识度低、算法加剧极化现象影响政党形象等问题。新左翼党的案例既凸显了西方左翼政党在选举中运用社交媒体成功动员的创新策略,也揭示了选举型政党在利用社交媒体促进社会整合与国家数字治理层面可能遭遇的困境。 Based on artificial intelligence to promote major changes in the political field, the use of digital media has become a crucial tool for election mobilization. During the 2023 parliamentary elections in Poland, the New Left party leveraged social media platforms to establish a promotional matrix and establish its party image. They utilized AI algorithms to assist in the targeted placement of campaign advertisements to precisely attract voters, and integrated resources from social media platforms to enhance their campaign capabilities. These strategies have proven to be effective, as the New Left and its leaders gained influence, overcame a challenging pre-election position, and strengthened the political consciousness of left-wing voters. As a result, the Party successfully entered the ruling coalition, breaking the cycle of alternating right-wing party dominance. However, with the evolving complexities of the Polish digital ecosystem and increasing competition in the political environment, the New Left also faces numerous challenges in their use of social media for mobilization. These challenges include the proliferation of misinformation, narrow issue focus, low party recognition, and the impact of algorithms exacerbating polarization on the party's image. The case of the New Left not only highlights innovative strategies employed by Western left-wing parties to successfully mobilize voters through social media in elections but also reveals potential difficulties that electoral parties may encounter in utilizing social media to promote social integration and digital governance at the national level.
作者 熊昊 董梦蝶 Xiong Hao;Dong Mengdie
出处 《当代世界社会主义问题》 2024年第2期131-142,168,共13页 Issues of Contemporary World Socialism
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“波兰对美欧俄外交政策史研究”(20FSSB018)。
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