

Analysis and evaluation of fruit mastication of mandarins in Hubei Province
摘要 【目的】探究湖北省温州蜜柑果实的化渣性差异及其主要影响因素,为温州蜜柑高品质栽培提供理论基础。【方法】通过感官评价、质构仪检测对温州蜜柑化渣性进行综合评价,并通过相关性分析及多元线性回归分析初步解析温州蜜柑果实化渣性的主要影响因素。【结果】果实横径、纵径、单果质量与剪切力、木质素含量呈显著正相关;化渣度得分与可滴定酸(TA)含量、剪切力、穿刺力呈显著负相关,而剪切力与穿刺力呈显著正相关;木质素含量与果皮厚度和剪切力呈显著正相关,与固酸比(SAR)呈显著负相关;果胶含量与横径、TA、纤维素含量呈显著正相关。利用多元线性回归分析构建了包括可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、穿刺力、木质素含量和果胶含量4个指标且具有统计学意义的感官综合评价的预测模型:Y(化渣度得分)=5.875+0.108×X(TSS)-0.007×X(穿刺力)-0.007×X(木质素含量)+0.044×X(果胶含量)。模型综合口感预测得分与综合口感实际得分基本一致。【结论】基于回归分析建立的综合得分预测模型可实现温州蜜柑果实感官品质的综合评价,质构特征指标和理化成分指标作为客观方法可以较好地弥补感官分析的主观性缺陷,可应用于湖北省温州蜜柑的化渣性评价。 【Objective】Mastication quality is one of the important qualities of citrus fruits,which significantly affects the consumer’s taste experience.However,previous researches of citrus fruit qualities mainly focus on the sugar and acid.The researches of citrus fruit mastication are still very limited.Thus,the objective of this study is to explore the differences in mastication quality among mandarins in Hubei Province and its main influencing factors.【Methods】Samples of early-maturing and mid-early maturing mandarins were selected from different orchards in Hubei Province.Fully ripe fruits were collected at the appropriate harvest time,and 45 healthy fruit of medium size from different parts of the tree were selected for the experiment.The fruit samples were transported to the laboratory on the day of harvest for the determination of physiological and biochemical indicators.The samples were separated into peel and pulp,with a portion of the pulp frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at-80℃for the determination of cellulose and pectin.The remaining pulp samples were dried in an oven at 120℃to a constant weight,ground,and then sieved through a 60-mesh screen.The sieved samples were placed in sealed bags and stored at room temperature in a desiccator for later determination of lignin content.A comprehensive evaluation of the mastication quality of mandarins was conducted through sensory assessment and texture analysis instruments.Furthermore,the main factors influencing the mastication quality of mandarin fruits were preliminarily analyzed through correlation analysis,multiple linear regression analysis,and principal component analysis.【Results】The individual fruit weight of early-maturing mandarins from different production areas varied significantly,ranging from 54.00 to 129.33 g,with peel thickness ranging from 2.15 to 4.32 mm.The transverse diameter ranged from 5.03 to 7.03 cm,and the longitudinal diameter from 3.73 to 5.82 cm.The internal quality differences were pronounced,with soluble solids content ranging between 8.63%and 13.7%,averaging 10.56%;titratable acidity between 0.33%and 0.84%;vitamin C content between 15.92%and 39.81 mg·100 g-1,and the sugar to acid ratio between 10.33 and 31.31,with an average value of 16.40.The individual fruit mass of mid-early maturing mandarins from different production areas ranged from 68.17 to 169.67 g,with peel thickness ranging from 0.83 to 4.14 mm.The transverse diameter ranged from 5.56 to 8.1 cm,and the longitudinal diameter from 4.18 to 6.64 cm.The content of soluble solids in the fruits of mid-early maturing mandarins ranged from 8.47%to 14.3%,with an average of 11.53%;titratable acidity ranged from 0.3%to 1.09%,vitamin C content from 17.5 to 46.23 mg·100 g-1,and the sugar to acid ratio from 10.33 to 31.31,with an average value of 18.30.There were significant differences in the quality of mandarins from different production areas in Hubei,with the mid-early maturing mandarins generally exhibiting better quality than the early-maturing mandarins.The mid-early maturing varieties in 2022 exhibited characteristics of high sugar and high acidity.The mastication score of early-maturing mandarins ranged from 4.6 to 8.55,with an average score of 6.38.Puncture force ranged from 97.09 to 302.5 g;shear force from 896.43 to 2683.33 g;lignin content from 37.05 to 209.18 mg·g-1;cellulose content from 10.1 to 20.15 mg·g-1;and pectin content from 7.54 to 24.79 mg·g-1.Specifically,sample No.9 had the lowest mastication score at 4.6 but the highest puncture and shear forces,as well as the highest lignin content.The mastication score of mid-early maturing mandarins ranged from 3.38 to 8.24,with an average of 6.01.Puncture force ranged between 78.45 and 239.38 g;shear force between 848.58 and 3926.24 g;lignin content from 66.48 to 208.9 mg·g-1;cellulose content from 10.1 to 20.15 mg·g-1;and pectin content from 7.54 to 24.79 mg·g-1.Specifically,sample No.55 had the highest in mastication score at 8.24;sample No.29 had the lowest score at 3.38,but the highest puncture and shear forces.Correlation analysis indicated that the transverse diameter,longitudinal diameter,and individual fruit weight were significantly positively correlated with each other and negatively correlated with total soluble solids and vitamin C content,but positively correlated with shear force and lignin content.The mastication score was significantly negatively correlated with titratable acidity,shear force,and puncture force,while shear force was significantly positively correlated with puncture force.Lignin content was significantly positively correlated with peel thickness and shear force,and negatively correlated with sugar to acid ratio.Pectin content showed a significant positive correlation with transverse diameter,titratable acidity,and cellulose content.A predictive model for the sensory comprehensive evaluation was constructed using multiple linear regression analysis with variables including total soluble solids,puncture force,lignin content,and pectin content.The regressed function was Y(mastication score)=5.875+0.108X(TSS content)-0.007X(puncture force)-0.007X(lignin content)+0.044X(pectin content).The comprehensive taste prediction score based on this model was essentially consistent with the actual comprehensive taste score.【Conclusion】The comprehensive score prediction model established based on regression analysis facilitates the comprehensive evaluation of the sensory quality of mandarin fruits.The indices of texture characteristics and physicochemical components,serving as objective methods,can effectively compensate for the subjective shortcomings in sensory analysis and can be applied to the quality evaluation of mandarins in Hubei Province.
作者 王策 黄锐 石志鹏 蒋迎春 何利刚 王志静 张豫 宋鑫 吴黎明 宋放 WANG Ce;HUANG Rui;SHI Zhipeng;JIANG Yingchun;HE Ligang;WANG Zhijing;ZHANG Yu;SONG Xin;WU Liming;SONG Fang(Institute of Fruit and Tea,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science/Hubei Key Laboratory of Germplasm Innovation and Utilization of Fruit Trees,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;Zhijiang Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Zhijiang 443200,Hubei,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1577-1591,共15页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFD2300605) 湖北省重点研发计划(2021BBA237) 湖北省重点研发计划(2022BBA0029) 湖北省农业科学院青年拔尖人才项目。
关键词 温州蜜柑 品质分析 化渣性 相关性分析 多元线性回归 Mandarin Quality analysis Mastication Correlation analysis Multiple linear regression analysis
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