

A method and application of debris flow and mud level warning based on dynamic frequency conversion and real time filtering technology
摘要 【目的】现有泥位自动化监测设备受制于频率固定和监测误差的影响,难以满足基于泥位变化的泥石流实时精准预警需求,因而需要对现有监测设备的采集与过滤方法进行改进,以提高泥位监测设备获取泥位高度的及时与准确性。【方法】以西藏林芝市某泥石流沟为例,通过分析常见泥石流泥位监测数据的特点,针对频率固定的难题提出了具备动态变频监测技术的泥位监测方法,并基于最小二乘法改进了基于泥位监测数据的实时误差过滤方法,实现泥石流泥位数据的实时过滤和及时判别。【结果】结果显示,采用动态变频及实时过滤处理后的泥位监测数据误差波动显著减少,对关键数据的获取从时间上优于常规泥位监测设备。【结论】结果表明,采用动态变频技术能更早地发现泥位变化,过滤后关键数据基本能够保留,为提前预警泥石流赢得了时间。研究成果可为泥石流泥位监测预警提供科学可靠的技术参考。 [Objective]The existing automated monitoring equipment for mud level is limited by fixed frequency and monitoring errors,making it difficult to meet the real-time and accurate warning needs of debris flow based on mud level changes.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the collection and filtering method of existing monitoring equipment to improve the timely and accurate acquisition of mud level height by mud level monitoring equipment.[Methods]Taking a mudslide ditch in Linzhi City,Tibet as an example,by analyzing the characteristics of common mudslide mud level monitoring data,we propose a mud level monitoring method with dynamic variable frequency monitoring technology for the problem of fixed frequency,and improve the real-time error filtering method based on the least squares method to realize the real-time filtration and timely discrimination of mud level data of mudslides.[Results]The result show that the error fluctuation of mud level monitoring data after using dynamic frequency conversion and real-time filtering processing is significantly reduced,and the acquisition of key data is superior to conventional mud level monitoring equipment in terms of time.[Conclusion]The result indicate that using dynamic frequency conversion technology can detect mud level changes earlier,and the filtered key data can be basically retained,which has won time for early warning of debris flows.The research result can provide scientific and reliable technical reference for monitoring and warning of mud level in debris flows.
作者 亓星 方敏 曹汝亮 QI Xing;FANG Min;CAO Ruliang(Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,Zigong 643000,Sichuan,China;Department of Engineering Technology Management,International College,Krirk University,Bangkok 10220,Thailand;Guizhou Vocational and Technical College of Water Resources and Hydropower,Guiyang 551416,Guizhou,China)
出处 《水利水电技术(中英文)》 北大核心 2024年第7期125-133,共9页 Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
基金 四川省科技厅重点研发项目(21ZDYF2842) 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLGP2022K008) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2023MD744136)。
关键词 泥石流 泥位监测 动态变频 实时过滤 风险评估 影响因素 debris flow mud level monitoring dynamic frequency conversion real time filtering risk assessment influence factor
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