

Families from Various Ethnic Backgrounds during the Ming Dynasty:Centered on Teacher-Friends and the Imperial Examination System
摘要 师友和科举等外部要素是推动明朝云南各民族文学家族发展的有生力量。明代云南文学家族重视择师择友之道,不仅注重家族内部直系亲属的直接教育,还会选择学识渊博或在社会和官场中有影响力的人为师为友。师友可以增强家族势力,使文学家族在知名度上得到提升,扩大了家族文学作品的传播范围。科举制度是文学家族形成和延续家族人才链的主要方式。科举制度指引文学家族对时文的取法,影响文学家族的兴衰,文学家族通过一定文化积淀抵制科举带来的消极影响。师友与科举对明代云南各民族文学家族的发展产生了重要的时空意义,主要表现在以下方面:家族人员选择名师以提升自身文学素质;地域空间内重要人物对于文学家族形成和发展具有双向作用;动态视域下的社会发展和变革对文学家族起到了关键性作用。立足当下学术语境,师友与科举可谓研究明代云南文学家族发展的逻辑起点和问题视域的两个关节之处。 The Ming Dynasty marked a flourishing period of literature among Yunnan s diverse ethnic groups,showcasing an allure of Chinese literary expression not solely among Han literary families but also among families hailing from varied ethnic backgrounds such as the Bai,Yi,Naxi,and Hui.Accounts show they wrote their works in Chinese and gradually formed their own literary lineages.This paper focuses on the developmental trajectory of literary families from various ethnic groups,with particular emphasis on the roles played by their teachers-friends and imperial examinations.Based on documentary primary resources extensively explored in collections,local chronicles,and genealogies,this study delves into the multidimensional implications of external influences that shaped the development of these literary families and the roles they have ever played.The literary families across Yunnan during the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the selection process of their mentor-friends:Not only did they pay attention to direct education from close relatives of their families,but also to choosing teacher-friends with profound knowledge or great influence in society and the bureaucracy.Thus,a human network of literary exchange was formed,helping to cultivate and expand the talent chain of the literary families.These mentor-friends could help bolster the prestige and influence of literary families,and also expand the dissemination range of their literary works.In addition,the imperial examination system also appeared to be the main cornerstone for the perpetuation of talent within these literary families.This system guided the direction of the literary endeavors,statuses,and fortunes of literary families.Therefore,literary families often attached great importance to a scholarly education of their descendants,prioritizing the attainment of success in the imperial examinations,followed closely by literary cultivation.During the later periods of the Ming dynasty,literary families in Yunnan,enriched by a cultural legacy accumulated over two or more generations,could fundamentally receive a comprehensive education and hereby effectively avoid the negative impact of the imperial examinations.What is more,it seems they were able to present cogent literary propositions that would hold enduring value for future generations and catalyze the development of their family literature.Compared with the trajectory of literary families in the Central Plains during the Ming era,the evolution of Yunnan s literary families in this period had its unique features:The influx of Han migrants into Yunnan,together with the implementation of the gaituguiliu policy—which entailed the abolishing of the local Tusi system in favor of governance by officials sent by the central administration—as well as the elements of teacher-friends and the imperial examinations engendered a transformative milieu for literary families in Yunnan.It is reasonable to assume that this historical background not only constituted a basic environment for the formation of literary families in Yunnan but also shaped the cultural context within which Yunnan s literary families flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Put differently,against the backdrop of the current academic context,mentor-friends and the imperial examination system can be considered as two key points for investigating the development of literary families in Yunnan during the Ming dynasty.
作者 孙纪文 蒋绘燕 Sun Jiwen;Jiang Huiyan(School of Literature and Art,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang,621010,Sichuan,China;School of Chinese Language and Literature,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期97-106,132,共11页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“明清西南少数民族家族文学演进与文化融通研究”(22BZW191) 西南民族大学研究生创新型科研项目“明代西南地区少数民族文学家族研究”(BS2023751)阶段性成果。
关键词 师友 科举 文学家族 明代云南文学 teacher-friends imperial examination system literary families Yunnan literature during the Ming dynasty
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