

On the Jurisprudent Qualities of Civil Procedure in China:with a Discussion of the Relationship between Jurisprudence and Legal Doctrine
摘要 我国民事诉讼法学历经注释学到规范研究的方法迭代。着眼于规范研究超然于现行立法和司法实践,受法理学和部门法学之影响,民事诉讼法教义学被青睐和提倡。囿于我国民事诉讼立法和司法的发展阶段,尤其是当事人主义诉讼体制转型尚未最终完成,民事诉讼法教义学存在异化可能,即低估理论对实践的指引作用,盲从于立法和司法实践,消解来之不易的诉讼理论共识,蕴含退回职权主义诉讼体制之系统风险。停留在注释和实证分析的民事诉讼法教义学也终将枯竭其思想体系而退化为单纯的知识体系,最终由“深科学”退步为“浅科学”。充分肯定和贯彻当事人主义,实现法理在法律体系和审判实践中的泛在,这既是改革开放以来我国民事诉讼体制转型和研究方法革新的有益经验,亦是民事诉讼法教义学的中国式现代化必须坚持的目标与路径。 Chinese civil procedure has undergone a change from exegetical jurisprudence to normative research.As normative research transcends legislation and practice,civil procedure doctrine is promoted,which is affected by jurisprudence department and disciplines of special law fields.The constrained stage of development of Chinese civil procedure considered,especially the transformation to the adversary system not yet finished,there is a danger of alienation in the doctrine of civil procedure law.It is reflected in the underestimation of theory as a guide to practice,the blind adherence to legislation and judicial practice,the dissolution of the hard-won theoretical consensus on litigation and the systemic risk of a return to an ex officio litigation system.Civil procedure doctrine,trapped in exegeses and empirical analysis,will exhaust its ideological system and degenerate to a pure knowledge system,and finally a devolution from deep science to shallow science.Full recognition and implementation of adversary system,realizing the pan-existence of jurisprudence in the legal system and in trial practice are both the useful experience in the transformation of China’s civil procedure system and the path to civil procedure law doctrine in Chinese-style modernization.
作者 任重 REN Zhong
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期96-108,160,共14页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“民法典与民事诉讼法的协同实施研究”(22&ZD206) 清华大学自主科研计划资助。
关键词 当事人主义 规范研究 实证研究 法教义学 第三人撤销之诉 adversary system normative research empirical research legal doctrine opposition by a third party
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