

Research on Major Ideological and Political Education Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges Based on Career Anchor Theory
摘要 专业思政建设是高职院校落实立德树人时代要求的应然选择,是深化与统领课程思政建设的必然要求。专业思政依托专业平台和行业,通过教师与学生、课程与职业场景的互动关联,对学生个人价值观、能力认知、需求认知产生影响,助力学生形成符合专业培养目标的职业锚,理智锚变,坚定职业锚向,以契合培根铸魂、启智润心的教育目的。遵循职业锚理论,立足国家、社会、行业、岗位、人才五个维度的专业教育格局与价值逻辑,探究专业思政的内涵体系。基于教育场、职场、学情三个面向,通过专业课程体系协同、课程思政场景化设计、师生互动职前干预等方面,阐释专业思政建设助力学生职业持续发展的行动方向与策略选择。 Major ideological and political education construction is an inevitable choice for higher vocational colleges to implement the requirements of the era of moral education and talent cultivation,and it is an inevitable requirement for deepening and leading the ideological and political construction of courses.Major ideological and political education relies on professional platforms and industries,and through the interaction between teachers and students,courses and career scenarios,it has an impact on students'personal values,ability cognition,and demand cognition,helping students form a career anchor that is in line with professional training goals and strengthen their career direction,in order to meet the educational goals of cultivating students'souls and enlightening their minds.Following the career anchor theory,based on the professional education pattern and value logic from the five dimensions of country,society,industry,position,and talent,this paper explores the connotation system of ideological and political education in majors.Based on the three aspects of education field,workplace,and learning situation,through curriculum system collaboration,ideological and political education scenario design,pre-service intervention of teacher-student interaction the action direction and strategic choices of ideological and political construction in majors to help students'sustainable career development are explained.
作者 王丽君 朱景达 Wang Lijun;Zhu Jingda
机构地区 上海公安学院
出处 《中国职业技术教育》 北大核心 2024年第23期77-85,共9页 Chinese Vocational and Technical Education
基金 2021年度河南省高等教育教学改革研究与实践项目“中原传统文化融入高校课程思政的价值及路径研究”(项目编号:2021SJGLX183,主持人:沈云霞)。
关键词 职业教育 职业锚 课程思政 专业思政 职业场景 vocational education career anchor curriculum ideological and political education ideological and political education in major career scene
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