

Simulation study of the next-generation cold atom satellite gravity mission
摘要 新一代冷原子卫星重力计划的仿真验证研究是对计划实施的重要保障,然而目前流行的基于实测轨道或者简约动力学轨道的卫星重力计划仿真方法,使用实测轨道无法实现多样化轨道方案仿真,而使用简约动力学轨道则存在仿真不充分的问题。本文提出了一种基于轨道摄动模型的卫星重力计划全尺度仿真方法并进行了实验。仿真结果表明:在最低点指向模式下使用竖向单臂冷原子梯度仪解算的重力场模型的精度仅在120阶内优于静电梯度仪方案;将其灵敏度提升至更高的理想值后,其解算模型的精度在全阶次超越静电梯度仪;最后,本文认为尽管存在观测频率不足的问题,冷原子卫星重力计划相比静电重力计划依然有更优秀的重力场信号探测精度。 The simulation study is an important guarantee for the implementation of the next-generation cold atom satellite gravity mission.However,the current satellite gravity mission simulation methods based on measured or simplified dynamic orbits have limitations.Using measured orbits fails to achieve a simulation of various orbits,while using simplified dynamic orbits suffers from inadequate simulation capabilities.This paper presents a full-scale simulation method for the satellite gravity mission based on the orbit perturbation model and conducts experiments.The simulation results show that the gravity field model solved by the Y-Axis single-arm CAI gradiometer in nadir mode is only superior to the gravity field model solved by EGG before degree 120;when its sensitivity is improved to the ideal value,its accuracy of gravity field model surpasses the model solved by EGG in all degrees.Finally,we conclude that although there is a problem of insufficient observation frequency,CAI satellite gravity mission has better accuracy in detecting gravity field signals than EGG satellite gravity mission.
作者 赵仁杰 ZHAO Renjie(College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2024年第7期85-89,共5页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
关键词 冷原子梯度仪 卫星重力计划仿真 重力场 轨道摄动 静电梯度仪 cold-atom gradiometer satellite gravity mission simulation gravity field orbital perturbation electrostatic gradiometer
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