

Comprehensive Evaluation of Selenium-Enriched Land Resources in Changting County,Fujian Province Based on Niche Theory and AHPTOPSIS Model
摘要 福建长汀县拥有丰富的富硒土地资源,因地制宜地综合评价该县富硒土地资源对于富硒土地资源的高效有序开发意义重大。现有的评价体系缺乏成熟的理论框架,评价结果难以有效地指导资源的开发。本文以生态位理论为基础,综合考虑长汀县富硒土地资源开发的主导因素、区位因素和限制因素构建评价指标体系。采用层次分析法(AHP)计算指标权重,以优劣解距离法(TOPSIS)求取加权综合指数进行综合等级划分。评价结果显示:长汀县土壤硒平均含量为0.46mg/kg,富硒土壤面积达2215.4km^(2),占全县总面积的71.36%,主要分布于长汀县东西部山区;按AHP-TOPSIS模型将长汀县富硒土地资源划分为适宜区、较适宜区、一般适宜区和不适宜区,面积分别为271.35km^(2)、1116.96km^(2)、1062.07km^(2)、654.13km^(2),其中适宜区、较适宜区和一般适宜区与原有规范划定的富硒区基本吻合,反映了土壤硒含量在评价指标体系中的主导作用,将原富硒区细化的分区结果体现了区位因素和限制因素对富硒土地资源开发的约束作用。在基于生态位理论的AHP-TOPSIS模型中,以挖掘富硒土地资源开发的最适生态位为导向构建了评价指标体系,评价方法兼顾了指标对评价结果影响的差异性以及评价区域的资源禀赋条件,评价结果反映了长汀县富硒土地资源的开发潜力,相比原有规范有效地提升了评价的科学性。 Changting County in Fujian Province possesses abundant selenium-enriched land resources,and a comprehensive evaluation of them,based on local conditions is significant for the effective and structured utilization of these resources.Due to the absence of a well-established theoretical framework in existing evaluation systems,the evaluation results are difficult to effectively guide the development of resources.This article is based on the niche theory and comprehensively considers the dominant factors,geographical factors,and limiting factors of selenium-enriched land resource development in Changting County to formulate an evaluation index system.The analytic hierarchy process(AHP)is used to calculate the weight of indicators,and the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution(TOPSIS)method is applied to determine the weighted comprehensive index for comprehensive grading.The evaluation results show that the average selenium content in the soil of Changting County is 0.46mg/kg,and the selenium-enriched soil area reaches 2215.4km^(2),accounting for 71.36% of the total county area,which is mainly distributed in the eastern and western mountainous areas of Changting County.Applying the AHP-TOPSIS model,the selenium-enriched land resources in Changting County are classified into suitable areas,relatively suitable areas,generally suitable areas,and unsuitable areas,with areas of 271.35km^(2),1116.96km^(2),1062.07km^(2),and 654.13km^(2),respectively.The suitable areas,relatively suitable areas,and generally suitable areas are approximately consistent with the selenium-enriched areas designated in previous specifications,reflecting the dominant role of soil selenium content in the evaluation index system.The refined zoning results of the original selenium-enriched areas reflect the constraining effect of geographical and limiting factors on the development of selenium-enriched land resources.In the AHP-TOPSIS model based on niche theory,an evaluation index system is constructed with the aim of identifying the optimal niche for the development of selenium-enriched land resources.The evaluation method takes into account the differences in the impact of indicators on the evaluation results and the resource endowment conditions of the evaluation area.The evaluation results reflect the development potential of selenium-enriched land resources in Changting County,effectively improving the science of the evaluation compared to previous standards.
作者 唐志敏 湛龙 张晓东 陈国光 周墨 田福金 刘红樱 张洁 张明 TANG Zhimin;ZHAN Long;ZHANG Xiaodong;CHEN Guoguang;ZHOU Mo;TIAN Fujin;LIU Hongying;ZHANG Jie;ZHANG Ming(Nanjing Center,China Geological Survey,Nanjing 210016,China)
出处 《岩矿测试》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期592-602,共11页 Rock and Mineral Analysis
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“华东地区自然资源动态监测与风险评估”(DD20230103) 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“华东地区国土空间用途管制技术支撑与应用服务”(DD20230495) 江苏省科技计划“一带一路”创新合作项目“黑土地土壤退化诊断评价与动态监测技术合作研发”(BZ2023003)。
关键词 层次分析法(AHP) 优劣解距离法(TOPSIS) 生态位 长汀县 富硒土地 AHP TOPSIS niche Changting County selenium-enriched land
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