

The Social Mobilityin the Exploration and Developmentof Chinese Path to Modernization
摘要 在人类现代化进程中,工业化和城镇化等社会结构转型是其核心内容,而社会成员在社会分工结构中进行社会流动是其必然的伴生性社会现象。马克思主义唯物史观从生产方式与交往形式的辩证关系出发,揭示了现代化进程中“地域性个人”向“世界历史性个人”转变的基本原理,这启示我们从社会结构现代化转型的角度寻找社会流动的深层规律。作为后发现代化国家,中国人口规模巨大且农村人口基数庞大等基本国情,决定了中国流动人口的规模之巨以及管理和服务流动人口的任务之艰。在中国式现代化探索与发展的历史进程中,中国共产党在不同历史时期基于现实国情采取了不同的流动人口调控机制,形成了社会流动的严控图景、自发图景、赋能图景和自主图景等纵向变迁历程。党的二十届三中全会部署以全面深化改革来保障和推动社会流动的自主图景,尤其是助力个人全面发展的城乡融合图景和区域协调图景,这构成了中国式现代化建设的时代课题。 In the process of modernization,the transformation of social structure such as industrialization and urbanization is the core content,and the social mobility in the social division of labor structure is an inevitable accompanying phenomenon.Marxist Historical Materialism reveals the basic principle of the transformation from“Regional Individual”to“Global and Historical Properties”in the process of modernization,which inspires us to find the deep law of social mobility from the perspective of social structure transformation.As a late-modernization nation,China has a huge population and a large rural population,which determines the scale of migrant population and the difficulty to manage and serve the migrant population.In the historical process of exploration and development,the Communist Party of China has adopted different migrant population control mechanisms based on its national conditions in different historical periods,and formed a vertical change process of strict control picture,spontaneous picture,empowerment picture and independent picture of social mobility.To comprehensively deepen reform will ensure and promote the independent picture of social mobility,especially the urban-rural integration program and regional coordination program that help individuals develop in an all-round way,constitutes the era task of Chinese path to modernization.
作者 王通 杨智雄 WANG Tong;YANG Zhixiong(School of International Affairs and Public Administration,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China;School of Marxism,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China)
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期26-38,共13页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“中国流动人口(再)市民化身份建构的保障机制研究”(21YJC810007),项目负责人:王通 国家社会科学基金后期资助暨优秀博士论文项目“中国社会流动的特殊性:表现、成因及对策研究”(21FYB027),项目负责人:王通。
关键词 中国式现代化 社会流动 城乡关系 全面深化改革 历史唯物主义 新型城镇化 国家治理现代化 Chinese path to modernization social mobility relation between urban and rural areas comprehensively deepening the reform Historical Materialism New Urbanization modernization of national governance
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