

China-ASEAN cooperation Mechanism and strategies for universal health coverage
摘要 东盟是中国对外交流与合作最紧密的地区之一,全民健康覆盖是实现联合国可持续发展目标中卫生相关目标的关键支柱,也是中国和东盟共同关注的战略重点,如何与东盟开展全民健康覆盖合作、提高中国参与区域卫生治理水平,是深化中国-东盟战略伙伴关系的当务之急。本文通过梳理东盟在全民健康覆盖领域的政策及合作行动,总结中国-东盟全民健康覆盖合作的发展机遇及面临的挑战,针对未来中国加强与东盟的全民健康覆盖合作提供策略建议。 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)is one of the regions where China has the closest exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries.Universal health coverage(UHC)is an important pillar for achieving the health-related targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,and it is also a strategic focus of common concern for China and ASEAN.How to implement cooperation with ASEAN on UHC and enhance China's participation in regional health governance is an urgent task for deepening the China-ASEAN strategic partnership.This article summarizes the development opportunities and challenges of China-ASEAN cooperation on UHC by reviewing ASEAN policies and cooperation measures in this field.It provides strategic suggestions for China to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN on UHC in the future.
作者 冯羿凯 石珺怡 李卓 李福建 翟崑 金音子 FENG Yikai;SHI Junyi;LI Zhuo;LI Fujian;ZHAI Kun;JIN Yinzi(Department of Global Health,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;Institute of Regional and Country Studies,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Institute of Asian Studies,China Foreign Affairs University,Beijing 100037,China;School of International Relations,Peking University,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期759-764,共6页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 科技部对发展中国家科技援助项目(KY202101004) 国家社科基金重点项目(22AZD107)。
关键词 东盟 全民健康覆盖 卫生合作 The Association of Southeast Asian Nations universal health coverage health cooperation
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