

Review on root classification methods and its applications
摘要 根系结构复杂性和异质性是制约根系研究的重要特征。在研究根系生理生态功能过程中,发展了多种根系分级方法,可将根系细分至相对均质的不同根系亚类,用于探究特定的科学问题和测定具体的功能属性。虽然每种根系分级方法都试图借助不同分级规则从不同侧面细分出不同根系亚类,从不同角度获取认识根系功能的有用信息,但是开展根系研究时,通常需根据研究目标和分级所得根系亚类均质性等,选择一种适合的根系分级方法,将根系细分至相对均质的根系亚类。因每种根系分级方法都有其优势和不足,且都能提供认识根系功能的有用信息,所以多种根系分级方法会长期共存。要从多种根系分级方法中选择一种合适的根系分级方法使用,就需要充分认识不同根系分级方法各自的优势和彼此间的相关性,但是尚缺全面比较根系分级方法的文献报道,不利于根系研究者选用根系分级方法。本研究在概述5种细根分级方法的同时对比其异同,并梳理细根分级方法的应用进展和应用方向,以利于根系研究者选用合适的细根分级方法开展细根生理生态功能研究。 The complexity and heterogeneity of roots are important characteristics that hinder root research.Various root classification methods have been developed to classify roots into relatively homogeneous subcategories for speci-fic scientific questions and root traits.Each classification method aims to subdivide different root subcategories from different perspectives using different rules.When conducting root research,it is crucial to select an appropriate method based on research objectives and the homogeneity of obtained root subcategories.As each root classification method has its advantages and disadvantages and can provide useful information about root function,multiple root classification methods coexist.To choose a suitable root classification method,a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and relevance of different methods is necessary.However,there is a lack of comprehensive literature reports that compare root classification methods,which hinders root researchers from selecting appropriate methods.We addressed this gap by summarizing and comparing five classification methods of fine roots.We review the pro-gress and direction for the application of fine root classification to facilitate root researchers in selecting appropriate classification methods when studying fine root physiological and ecological functions.
作者 高巧 徐刚 段宝利 GAO Qiao;XU Gang;DUAN Baoli(Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610299,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;School of Life Sciences and Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,Sichuan,China)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期2480-2492,共13页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 四川省科技计划资助项目(2022NSFSC0236)资助。
关键词 吸收根 直径级 生长级 根序级 运输根 absorptive root diameter class growth axis order segment order transport root
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