

Herbalogical study of Chinese herbal medicine Yimucao
摘要 益母草为活血调经药,素有“血家圣药”之称,临床应用广泛,历史悠久。经过查阅历代本草著作发现,古代文献中关于“益母草”的描述最早可以追溯到西周时期的《诗经》,以“蓷”出现;而作为药用,“益母草”这个词汇则在秦汉时代《神农本草经》中首次出现,因善治妇科诸疾,故有“益母”之名。益母草性微寒,味苦、辛,归心、肝、膀胱经,具有活血调经、利尿消肿的作用,属于活血化瘀药分类下的活血调经药。在使用时内服:煎服,10~30 g,或熬膏,入丸剂,可治疗水肿、经血不畅、小便不畅诸症;外用:适量捣敷或煎汤外洗,主要用于治疗皮肤瘙痒、疮疡肿毒等症。通过深入研究历代本草、方书等医学文献,结合近现代的文献资料,对益母草的名称、形状、产地、性味归经以及功效和不良反应进行了详细的系统梳理和考证,旨在为益母草进一步的研发提供参考和借鉴,以确保今后临床用药的准确性。 Yimucao is a medicine for promoting blood circulation and menstrual regulation,known as“effective medicine for treating blood disease”,and has a long history of extensive clinical application.After consulting the herbal works of the past dynasties,it is found that the earliest description of Yimucao in ancient documents can be traced back to The Book of Songs of the Western Zhou Dynasty,which appears as“tui”.As a medicine,the word Yimucao appears for the first time in the Shennong Materia Medica in the Qin and Han Dynasties.Because of the good treatment of gynecological diseases,it has the effect of benefiting mothers.Yimucao is a bit cold in nature and bitter and pungent in flavor.It belongs to the heart,liver and bladder meridians.It has the functions of activating blood and regulating menstruation,inducing diuresis to reduce edema,and belongs to the activating blood and regulating menstruation drugs under the classification of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis drugs.If taken orally,it is decocted in water for 10~30 g.It can be prepared into jelly or pills to treat edema,poor menstrual flow,and poor urination.If applied externally,it is mashed with proper amount or decocted for external washing to treat skin itch,ulcers and swelling.Through in-depth study of medical literature such as materia medica and medical formulary in the past dynasties,combined with modern literature,this paper systematically sorts out and verifies the name,shape,origin,nature,flavor,channel tropism,as well as efficacy and adverse reactions of Yimucao,aiming to provide reference for further research and development of Yimucao and ensure the accuracy of clinical drug use in the future.
作者 汪倩 杨梅 赵琦 李开楊 李梅 Wang Qian;Yang Mei;Zhao Qi;Li Kaiyang;Li Mei(Graduate School of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang Guizhou 520002;The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang Guizhou 520003)
出处 《山西中医药大学学报》 2024年第6期596-600,共5页 Journal of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(82160866) 贵州省卫健委科技基金(gzwkj2023-208) 贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合基础-ZK〔2023〕一般433) 贵州省高等学校重点实验室(黔教技〔2023〕017号)。
关键词 益母草 茺蔚 经血不畅 本草考证 Yimucao chongwei poor menstrual flow herbalogical study
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