

Value Genealogy of Red Army Clothing during the Agrarian Revolution War
摘要 红军服饰作为革命文物镌刻着中国共产党的初心使命,其历史沿革记录着人民军队苦难辉煌的建军之路。基于红色文物、口述史及文献的角度,追溯土地革命战争时期红军服饰的质料、款式、色彩、装饰,分析其形制特征。土地革命战争时期,红军战士经历了从有什么穿什么到换装制式服饰的过程,红军制式服饰诞生前以红领巾和红袖章寓意红色的队伍,制式的红军服饰以红五角星和红领章为最显著标志。红军服饰筹措渠道多元化,从而造成款式、面料、色彩上的多样性,难以做到服饰形制上完全统一。苏区物质供应困难,粗布中山装、红领章、红五星、八角帽、绑腿、草布鞋、斗笠、牛皮带构成了土地革命战争时期红军形象的时代痕迹,其展现了红军官兵艰苦奋斗、同甘共苦的精神风貌。严谨地还原红军制式服饰装备和人民军队初创时的服饰审美,规避文化宣传中对其形制的误导。从服饰象征意义出发,分析红军服饰延展的内涵价值,建构人民军队军服的红色价值谱系,弘扬红色革命文化。 As a revolutionary cultural relic,the Red Army costumes engraved the original mission of the CPC,and its historical evolution recorded the glorious road of building the people's army.Based on the perspective of red cultural relics,oral history,and literature,this paper traces the material,styles,colors,and decorations of the Red Army clothing during the Agrarian Revolution War,and analyzes its shape characteristics.During the Agrarian Revolutionary War,Red Army soldiers underwent a process from wearing what they wanted to standard clothing.Before the birth of the Red Army standard clothing,red scarves and armbands symbolized red teams.The most prominent symbols of the standard Red Army clothing were the red pentagram and red collar.The diversification of fundraising channels for Red Army clothing has resulted in the diversity in styles,fabrics,and colors,making it difficult to achieve complete uniformity in clothing form.The material supply in the Soviet area was limited,and coarse cloth mountain suits,red collars,red five stars,octagonal hats,leggings,straw cloth shoes,bamboo hats and cow belt formed the image of the Red Army during the Agrarian Revolution,showcasing the spirit of the Red Army officers and soldiers working hard and sharing weal and woe.This study aims at strictly restoring the Red Army's standard clothing and equipment,as well as the aesthetic of the people's army's clothing at its inception,and avoiding misleading its form in cultural propaganda.Starting from the symbolic significance of clothing,this article analyzes the connotation and value of the extension of Red Army clothing,constructs the red value spectrum of the people's military uniforms,and promotes the red revolutionary culture.
作者 廖江波 吴晓晴 LIAO Jiangbo;WU Xiaoqing(College of Fine Arts,Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University,Nanchang Jiangxi 330200,China)
出处 《武汉纺织大学学报》 2024年第4期37-42,共6页 Journal of Wuhan Textile University
基金 国家社科基金艺术学一般项目(19BG118) 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地2022年度项目(JD22038)。
关键词 红军服饰 土地革命战争 红色文化 Red Army clothing the Agrarian Revolution War Red Culture
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