

Professor ZHAO Ying's"one principle,two stages,and three steps"method in treating abnormal uterine bleeding with Wenjing Decoction
摘要 赵颖教授从事中医药治疗妇科疾病多年,临床上擅用经方治疗妇科血证,总结出异常子宫出血的主要病机为冲任虚寒夹瘀,以温经散寒、养血祛瘀为法,采用经方温经汤加减治疗。温经汤具有温阳散寒、清退虚热、温通气血功效,同时全方配伍可气血阴阳俱调,主治寒热错杂、瘀血阻滞之病症,与异常子宫出血的病机相符合,临床用于治疗异常子宫出血疗效颇佳。赵颖教授将治疗异常子宫出血的经验归结为“一纲二期三步法”,并且根据一天中阳气的消长变化而因时处方,随证加减。附验案一则以飨同道。 Professor ZHAO Ying has been engaged in treating gynecological diseases with Chinese medicine for many years.She is proficient in using classic formulas to treat gynecological blood disorders in clinical practice and has concluded that the main pathogenesis of abnormal uterine bleeding is deficiency-cold of Chong and Ren meridians with blood stasis.Accordingly,she adopts the method of warming meridians and dissipating cold,nourishing blood and resolving stasis,and uses the modified Wenjing Decoction for treatment.Wenjing Decoction has the effects of warming yang and dissipating cold,clearing away deficiency heat,and warming and circulating qi and blood.Meanwhile,through a reasonable combination,this formula can regulate qi,blood,yin,and yang,and is mainly used for combined cold and heat pattern as well as static blood obstruction pattern,which is consistent with the pathogenesis of abnormal uterine bleeding.Thus,it has a good effect in clinical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding.Professor ZHAO Ying summarizes her experience in treating abnormal uterine bleeding as the"one principle,two stages,and three steps"method,and prescribes according to the changes of yang qi throughout the day,with modifications made according to pattern identification.Moreover,a verified medical record is appended to share with fellow professionals for mutual learning and reference.
作者 钟彩婷 赵颖 ZHONG Caiting;ZHAO Ying(The First Clinical Medicine College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510000,China;Department of Gynecology,the First Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou,Guangdong510000,China)
出处 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第8期1534-1537,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
基金 广东省中医药管理局科研项目(20231170)。
关键词 异常子宫出血 温经汤 一纲二期三步法 阴阳特性 abnormal uterine bleeding Wenjing Decoction "one principle,two stages,and three steps" yin and yang characteristics
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