

“Wan Studies”into Qian:Cheng Enze's Academic Influence on Zheng Zhen
摘要 郑珍是清代嘉、道时期的著名学者,精于六书,明于三礼,为“西南巨儒”,跻身清代朴学大师之林。究其学术思想渊源,乃在于徽州人程恩泽督学贵州之时,教之以“皖派”江、戴之学。后郑珍与当地莫友芝、黎庶昌等一众学者,追慕乾嘉,崇尚汉学,共同开创了晚清“黔学”繁荣兴盛的新局面,对乾嘉汉学后期的守成与开拓,对传统儒学的赓续与坚守,做出重要贡献。通过梳理程恩泽与郑珍之间学术思想的具体影响,可考见“皖学”传入西南地区的轨迹,也可理清乾嘉后期以郑珍为代表的“黔学”对以江永、戴震为代表的“皖学”的继承与发展,探究中华“道统”与地域“学统”之间的相互促进与交流互动。要之,从“区域”学术来考量儒家“学统”的发展脉络,不仅可以展示地域文化的深刻性和丰富性,为乾嘉时代的“皖学”在嘉道时期的持续辉煌做一实录,更是为弘扬民族文化自信提供确切的学术实证。 Zheng Zhen was a famous scholar in the Jiaqing and Daoguang Period of the Qing Dynasty.He was good at The Six Classics and The Three Rituals.He was a“great Confucian scholar in China's southwest”.The origin of his academic thought lies in Jiang and Dai's learnings of the“Wan school”(皖派),which were taught by Cheng Enze,a Huizhou native,when he supervised Guizhou province.Later,Zheng Zhen and other local scholars such as Mo Youzhi and Li Shuchang advocated Sinology in the Qian-Jia Period,jointly created the prosperity of“Qian studies”(黔学)in the late Qing Dynasty,and made important contributions to the inheritance and development of traditional Confucianism and Sinology in the later Qian-Jia Period.After sorting out the actual influence of Cheng Enze and Zheng Zhen's academic thoughts,the introduction of“Wan studies”(皖学)into southwest China can be tracked,the inheritance and development of“Qian studies”represented by Zheng Zhen on the basis of“Wan studies”represented by Jiang Yong and Dai Zhen can be clarified and the promotion and interaction between Chinas“Confucian orthodoxy”(道统)and regional“academic tradition”(学统)can be explored.Analyzing the development of Confucian“academic tradition”from the perspective of“regional”learning can show the depth and richness of regional culture,provide a record of the continuous glory of“Wan studies”in the Qian-Jia and Jia-Dao Periods and provide concrete academic evidence for carrying forward Chinese national culture with self-confidence.
作者 徐道彬 XU Daobin
出处 《安徽大学学报(哲社版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期1-11,共11页 Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“《江永全书》整理与研究”(21&ZD052) 教育部人文社科重点基地重大项目“皖派学术的跨学科研究”(22JJD770001)。
关键词 程恩泽 郑珍 乾嘉汉学 皖学 黔学 Cheng Enze Zheng Zhen Sinology in the Qian-Jia Period Wan Studies Qian Studies
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