

Accelerating the Development of New Cultural Quality Productive Forces:Theoretical Connotation and Practical Path
摘要 2024年7月,党的二十届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的决定》,对促进新质生产力发展作出部署。新质生产力由技术革命性突破、生产要素创新性配置、产业深度转型升级而催生,以高技术、高效能、高质量为特征。文化新质生产力的概念、理论与实践,亦逐渐成为学界讨论的重要理论问题。 New cultural quality productive forces are formed through the joint efforts of technological and cultural innovation,characterized by high technology,high efficiency,and high quality,in the fields of cultural production,consumption,exchange,etc.,to form new industries,new models,and new driving forces.In this context,the editorial department and Institute of Global Urban Civilization of Southern University of Science and Technology jointly held an academic seminar on “Accelerating the Development of New Cultural Quality Productive Forces”,hoping to provide ideological support for promoting Chinese path to modernization.Professor Li Fengliang pointed out that the emergence of new cultural quality productive forces is not only about cultivating emerging cultural formats and future cultural industries,but also includes the necessary policy concepts,social scenarios,and overall adjustment of the consumption environment,that is,the continuous optimization of the development ecology.Professor Zhou Jianxin believed that the concept of new cultural quality productive forces not only reflects the deepening of productivity theory,but also reflects the transformation and optimization of social productivity structure.Researcher Hua Jian pointed out that the basic characteristics and practical paths of new cultural quality productive forces are reflected in the combination of advanced productivity elements,cultivation on the basis of digital new systems,expansion in full space and multi quadrant development,and strong commitment to ecological civilization and social responsibility.Professor Wei Pengju believed that cultivating new cultural quality productive forces is not only the key focus to achieve the strategic goal of a cultural power in the new era,but also the smart fulcrum to promote the construction of Chinese path to modernization.Professor Qi Shuyu pointed out that we should not only focus on the technological content of new quality productive forces,but also pay attention to the irreplaceable role of culture in new quality productive forces.Cultural demand is an important driving force for the emergence of new quality productive forces,and creating high-quality life is an important goal for cultivating new quality productive forces.Professor Zang Zhipeng proposed that the new round of information technology revolution is comprehensively driving the qualitative upgrading and leap of the cultural field's workforce,labor materials,labor objects,and their combinations.The cultural field should actively integrate into the new round of information technology revolution,accelerate the formation and development of new cultural quality productive forces.Researcher Chen Nengjun analyzed the mechanism of the acceleration of the formation of new cultural quality productive forces by new cultural production factors from the dimensions of embedding,efficiency,and fairness,and pointed out that adapting to local conditions is a key strategy for the integration and innovation of new cultural production factors.
作者 李凤亮 周建新 花建 魏鹏举 祁述裕 臧志彭 陈能军 Li Fengliang;Zhou Jianxin;Hua Jian;Wei Pengju;Qi Shuyu;Zang Zhipeng;Chen Nengjun
出处 《探索与争鸣》 北大核心 2024年第7期4-33,177,共31页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 研究阐释党的二十大精神国家社科基金重大项目“推进文化自信自强的时代背景与现实途径研究”(23ZDA081) 深圳市哲学社会科学规划特别委托重点课题“城市文明典范研究”(SZ2022A005)阶段性研究成果 2035卓越研究计划重大攻关项目“习近平文化思想与粤港澳大湾区文化创新研究”(2YZD2310)阶段性研究成果 北京市社会科学基金重大项目“坚持文化建设的人民立场研究”(23LLMLA143)研究成果 中国行政体制改革研究会课题“国家文化公园建设研究”(2023CSOARJJKT009)阶段性成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“国家文化数字化发展现状及策略研究”(22120230345)研究成果 国家社会科学基金艺术学项目“中国式现代化引领下的文化产业动力机制及优化策略研究”(23BH166) 深圳市社会科学规划重点课题“城市文明典范:丰富拓展人类文明新形态的深圳实践研究”(SZ2023A005)阶段性研究成果。
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