

On the Calligraphy and Painting Collections and Connoisseurship Activities of Zhang Jinchen and His Grandson Zhang Xiaosi in Jingkou
摘要 晚明京口张觐宸的书画收藏甚富,董其昌多次前往其培风阁寓目,后张孝思继承了培风阁的藏品。据家谱和家集考察张氏家族,张觐宸与张孝思是祖孙关系。张氏以乐施行义和崇文尚儒为家风,是镇江一带饶有声望的文化世家。张觐宸的书画名迹主要得自董其昌和项元汴子嗣,身后又全部传与张孝思。张孝思能书擅画,与清初文人书画家笪重光、查士标等交游较多。而其晚年,家藏陆续散出,由笪重光、王永宁、梁清标等人递藏,后大多汇入清内府。张氏的收藏与交游是明末清初江南活跃的书画鉴藏活动的重要代表与缩影,更对当时诸多书画家的创作具有启发和促进作用。 In the late Ming dynasty,Zhang Jinchen of Jingkou owned a very rich collection of paintings and works of calligraphy.Dong Qichang visited his Peifeng Pavilion many times to admire the works there stored,which were later inherited by Zhang Xiaosi.Based on the genealogy of the Zhang family,it has been established that Zhang Xiaosi was in fact Zhang Jinchen’s grandson.The Zhang family,renowned for their high moral standards and their reverence for literature and Confucianism,held a prestigious cultural standing in and around Zhenjiang.The famous paintings and works of calligraphy collected by Zhang Jinchen mainly came from Dong Qichang and the progeny of Xiang Yuanbian,and were all passed on to Zhang Xiaosi following his grandfather’s death.Zhang Xiaosi was skilled in both painting and calligraphy and exchanged extensively with early Qing literati,calligraphers,and painters such as Da Chongguang and Zha Shibiao.In his later years,the family's collection was gradually dispersed and successively absorbed into the collections of scholars and literati such as Da Chongguang,Wang Yongning,and Liang Qingbiao,before ending up being integrated into the Qing Imperial Palace collections.Zhang Jincheng and Zhang Xiaosi’s respective collections and social interactions may be treated as important paradigms of the active calligraphy and painting collecting and connoisseurship activities carried out south of the Yangtze River during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.Furthermore,these activities also promoted and enabled the rise and prosperous careers of many calligraphers and painters of that time.
作者 车旭东 Che Xudong
出处 《艺术探索》 2024年第3期29-41,共13页 Arts Exploration
关键词 张觐宸 张孝思 京口张氏 董其昌 书画收藏 Zhang Jinchen Zhang Xiaosi The Jingkou Zhang family Dong Qichang Calligraphy and painting collecting
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