

The Study of New Chinese History and“New China Studies”(topic for a special discussion)
摘要 今年是中华人民共和国成立75周年。75年来特别是中共十八大以来,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,党领导人民全面建成小康社会,乘势开启实现第二个百年奋斗目标新征程。新中国的历史发展,是历史中国的延续和发展,中国式现代化由奠基、开创到深化和拓展,中华民族从站起来到富起来再到强起来,中华文明实现生命更新和现代转型。新中国的历史发展,不断孕育、生成和发展关于新中国的认识和研究,即“新中国学”。“新中国学”特指关于中华人民共和国之学,由此也推动中国学从“他塑”转向“自塑”,重心从研究中国传统历史文化转向探讨关于新中国的历史、社会和时代发展,以及新中国与世界的关系。“新中国学”是一个复杂的系统学科,是关于新中国的“百科全书”;作为世界中国学的重要组成部分,在向世界传播中国精神、中国价值、中国力量方面发挥着重要作用。加快构建“新中国学”的学科体系、学术体系和话语体系,推动引领世界中国学发展,是推进新中国史研究的学科建设要求,也是推动哲学社会科学讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音的时代要求。为此,我们与河北学刊杂志社共同策划了本组专题讨论,重点以《论新中国史研究与“新中国学”》《新中国史史料学的新境遇与新问题--兼论“新中国学”资料构建的发展性与实践性》为题作多方面探讨,以期引领和推动“新中国学”研究不断向纵深发展。 This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.Over the past 75 years,especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,socialism with Chinese characteristics hascrossed the threshold of a new era.The CPC has led the people to comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society and has taken advantage to start a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal.The Chinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong,and Chinese civilization has achieved a renewal of life and modern transformation.The historical development of New China has continuously nurtured,generated,and developed understanding and research about New China,namely“New China Studies”.“New China Studies”specifically refers to the study of the People’s Republic of China,which also promotes the shift of Chinese studies from“others shaping”to“self-shaping”,and the focus from studying traditional Chinese history and culture to exploring the history,society,and development of the new era of New China,as well as the relationship between New China and the world.“New China Studies”is a complex systematic discipline,an“encyclopedia”about New China-as an important part of World China Studies,it plays an important role in spreading the Chinese spirit,Chinese values,and Chinese strength to the world.Accelerating the construction of the disciplinary system,academic system,and discourse system of“New China Studies”,and promoting the development of world Chinese studies,is both a requirement for the construction of the discipline of New China history research and a requirement of the times for the philosophy and social sciences to tell China’s stories well and increase China’s voice.To this end,we have jointly planned this special discussion with Hebei Academic Journal in various aspects,with the aim of leading and promoting the continuous in-depth development of“New China Studies”research.
作者 宋月红 SONG Yue-hong
出处 《河北学刊》 北大核心 2024年第5期26-32,38,共8页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金重大项目“加强党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史教育研究”(21ZDA074)的阶段性成果。
关键词 新中国史 新中国史研究 “中国学” “新中国学” “世界中国学” 新中国史史料学 history of New China the study of New China history China Studies “New China Stud⁃ies” “World China Studies” historiography of New China
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