

Approach of Archival Legal System Construction under the Framework of National Governance Modernization
摘要 推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化是新时代赋予档案工作的重大使命。加快档案治理法治化进程,全面推进档案法治建设,是提升档案治理效能、助力国家治理现代化的必由之路。立足国家治理现代化大局,在厘清档案治理法治化理论内涵的基础上,分析了我国档案法治建设的发展现状,进而提出国家治理现代化框架下档案法治建设的进路设计:坚持党的全面领导,筑牢档案法治建设的政治基础;树立大治理理念,推动多元主体参与档案立法;加强顶层设计,构建多层次、多维度的档案法律体系;转变治理方式,积极发挥软法在档案治理中的作用;强化法治实施,提升档案法治化水平。新时代推进档案治理法治化,必须以高质量的档案法治供给保障高水平的档案治理,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供坚实的法治支撑。 Promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity is a major mission entrusted to archives in the new era.Speeding up the process of legalization of archives management and comprehensively promoting the construction of archives legal system are the only way to improve the efficiency of archives management and help the modernization of national governance.Based on the overall situation of the modernization of national governance,and clarifying the theoretical connotation of the rule of law of archives management,this study analyzes the development status of the construction of the rule of law of archives in China,and then puts forward the path of the construction of archives legal system under the framework of the modernization of national governance:first,adhere to the overall leadership of the Party and build a solid political foundation for the construction of archives legal system;second,it is necessary to establish a big governance concept and promote the participation of multiple subjects in archives legislation;third,it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design and build a multi-level and multi-dimensional archives legal system.The fourth is to change the governance mode,and actively play the role of soft law in archives management;fifth,archives should strengthen the implementation of the rule of law and improve the level of the rule of law of archives.To promote the legalization of archives management in the new era,high-quality archives legal system must be used to ensure high-level archives management,and provide solid legal support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.
作者 赵绪莹 ZHAO Xuying(Institute of Marxism,HulunBuir University,Hulunbuir 021008)
出处 《山西档案》 北大核心 2024年第6期81-84,共4页 Shanxi Archives
关键词 档案法治建设 国家治理现代化 档案治理 档案现代化 法治化 Construction of archives legal system Modernization of national governance Archives management Archives modernization Legalization
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