

Measurement of Working Area of Agricultural Machinery Based on Buffer Grid Method
摘要 精准农业是当今世界农业发展的新潮流。论文针对不规则农机作业轨迹,设计了缓冲栅格面积算法,解决了传统距离算法因无法记录历史作业区域而导致的重复面积计算问题。首先,将相邻轨迹点两两连线并生成与之平行的矩形缓冲区;其次,对矩形缓冲区内的轨迹点栅格化处理,对其属性值进行编码存储,代表已作业区域;最后由单个栅格面积和代表已作业区域的栅格个数算出农机作业面积。实验通过梭型法和回旋法两种农机耕地作业方式对同一不规则形状试验田进行作业,梭型法测量的相对误差平均值为1.90%,比传统距离面积算法精度提高了4.36%;缓冲法测量的相对误差平均值为1.97%,比传统距离面积算法精度提高了20.51%。结果表明,缓冲栅格面积算法工作可靠,可以为农机耕作面积测量提供数据参考。 Today,precision agriculture is a new trend of agricultural development in the world.In this paper,a buffer grid ar-ea algorithm is designed to solve the problem of repeated area calculation caused by the traditional distance algorithm not being able to record the historical operation area.First,two adjacent track points are connected and a parallel rectangular buffer is generated.Secondly,the track points in the rectangular buffer are rasterized,and their attribute values are encoded and stored,representing the operating region.Finally,the working area of agricultural machinery is calculated by the single grid area and the number of grids representing the working area.In the experiment,shuttle method and rotary method are used to work on the same irregular shape test field.The average relative error of shuttle method is 1.90%,and the accuracy of shuttle method is 4.36%higher than that of tra-ditional distance area algorithm.The average relative error of the buffer method is 1.97%,which is 20.51%more accurate than the traditional range-area algorithm.The results show that the buffer grid area algorithm is reliable and can provide data reference for ag-ricultural machinery tillage measurement.
作者 李想 王直 李曙 葛俊彦 LI Xiang;WANG Zhi;LI Shu;GE Junyan(School of Computer Science and Technology,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212000)
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2024年第6期1904-1908,共5页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 精准农业 距离算法 重复面积 矩形缓冲区 编码存储 precision agriculture distance algorithm repeat area rectangular buffer code stored
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