

Restoration,control and operation:A study on the changes of Nanjing tea house industry during the period of occupation(1938-1945)
摘要 1937年末,南京沦陷后,日军对南京城包括茶馆在内的商家进行大规模的烧抢,而且展开惨无人道的大屠杀,给南京造成了巨大的经济损失与社会混乱,其中茶社等公共娱乐场所受破坏与劫掠程度更是惨烈。受此影响,茶馆业经营状况急转直下,管理秩序混乱,行业生存艰难。同时,汪伪政权通过税收、监督等行政手段对经营者进行盘剥与限制,茶馆业开启艰难生存阶段。南京沦陷期间,茶馆文化的内涵经历了深刻的转变。原本以品茗、诗词唱和、棋艺切磋为主的休闲空间,逐渐成为日伪当局宣传殖民思想和奴化教育的场所。茶馆内的戏曲表演和话题讨论被迫迎合日本占领者的口味,传统民族故事和爱国主题被刻意压制或篡改。日伪政权还利用茶馆进行情报搜集,监控抗日地下活动,茶馆成为潜在的危险之地。然而,即便在这样的高压环境下,茶馆作为民间社会的重要组成部分,依然顽强地存在着,它们既是日常生活场景的反映,也是民间情感与抵抗精神的象征。尽管表面上看似沉寂,但实际上一些茶馆已然成为民间抵抗力量和地下抵抗组织的隐蔽联络点和情报交换地。可以说,茶客间的微妙互动中隐藏着反抗的火种,体现了中国人民顽强坚韧的民族精神。总之,即便在这种艰难环境中,茶馆文化并未完全消失,许多底层民众通过保留和传承传统技艺,以及暗中传播民间智慧,使茶馆成为一种隐形的文化抵抗载体,这种扭曲与演变揭示了南京茶馆业在特殊历史时期的复杂性和韧性。 At the end of 1937,after the fall of Nanjing,the Japanese army carried out large-scale burning and looting of businesses in Nanjing,including tea houses,and carried out inhumane massacres,causing huge economic losses and social chaos to Nanjing.Among them,public entertainment venues such as tea houses were destroyed and looted to an even greater extent.Affected by this,the operation of the tea house industry has taken a sharp turn for the worse,presenting a chaotic management order and facing difficulties in industry survival.The Wang puppet regime exploited and restricted operators through administrative measures such as taxation and supervision,and the tea house industry entered a difficult stage of survival.During the occupation of Nanjing,the connotation of tea house culture underwent profound changes.The leisure space,originally focused on tea tasting,poetry singing,and chess skills exchange,has gradually been used by the Japanese puppet authorities as a place to promote their colonial ideas and enslavement education.The opera performances and topic discussions in tea houses were forced to cater to the taste of Japanese occupiers,and traditional ethnic stories and patriotic themes were deliberately suppressed or tampered with.The Japanese puppet regime also used tea houses for intelligence gathering and monitoring anti Japanese underground activities,making tea houses a potential danger.However,even in such a high-pressure environment,tea houses,as an important component of civil society,still stubbornly exist.They are not only reflections of daily life scenes,but also symbols of folk emotions and resistance spirit.Although it may seem quiet on the surface,in reality,some tea houses have become hidden contact points and intelligence exchange points for civil resistance forces and some underground resistance organizations.It can be said that the subtle interaction between tea guests hides the spark of resistance,reflecting the resilient cultural inheritance and national spirit of the Chinese people.In short,even in this difficult environment,tea house culture has not completely disappeared.Many lower class people have made tea houses an invisible cultural resistance carrier by preserving and inheriting traditional skills,as well as secretly spreading folk wisdom.This distortion and evolution reveal the complexity and resilience of the Nanjing tea house industry in a special historical period.
作者 孙绪芹 SUN Xuqin(Nanjing Sports Institute,Nanjing 210046,P.R.China;Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,P.R.China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期173-187,共15页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 南京沦陷 茶馆业 经济管控 the fall of Nanjing tea house industry economic control
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