

On the Dual Narrative Procession in Doris Lessing’s“A Woman on a Roof”
摘要 《天台上的女人》是多丽丝·莱辛的短篇小说代表作之一。长期以来,学界较多从女性主义研究角度解读该小说,如女性作为他者的从属角色、女性在父权制中的挣扎与觉醒,以及女性主体意识建构等。本文跳出性别冲突的传统视角,聚焦性别冲突背后的阶层冲突,分析小说中阶层冲突这一隐性进程。“性别冲突”和“阶层冲突”双重叙事进程相互补充,揭示出男权社会中底层男性工人欲望与现实的矛盾,以及女性的性别意识与阶级意识的交织。双重叙事进程的分析表明,《天台上的女人》不只是一个单纯的女性主义文本,更表达了作家对英国社会阶层固化的忧虑。 “A Woman on a Roof”is one of the representative short stories by Doris Lessing.Traditionally,academia has interpreted the story more from a feminist perspective,such as the subordinate role of women as the“other”,women’s struggles and awakening under patriarchy,and the construction of female subjectivity.This paper breaks away from the traditional perspective of gender conflict,and focuses on the underlying class conflict behind the gender conflict,analyzing the implicit process of class conflict in the novel.The dual narratives of“gender conflict”and“class conflict”complement each other,revealing the contradiction of the desires and realities of the lower-class male workers in the patriarchal society,as well as the interweaving of gender consciousness and class consciousness of women.The analysis of the dual narrative process indicates that this work is not simply a feminist text,but also expresses the writer’s concern about the solidification of social classes in British society.
作者 李英华 LI Yinghua(School of Foreign Studies,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China)
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2024年第4期105-112,共8页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“西方物叙事研究”(项目编号:23&ZD302)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《天台上的女人》 双重叙事进程 隐性进程 阶层冲突 “A Woman on a Roof” dual narrative progression covert progression class conflict
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