

Effect of Partial Organic Fertilizer Replacing Chemical Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Medium Strong Gluten Wheat
摘要 为探索淮北麦区高产、优质中强筋小麦在保持产量和品质情况下的绿色施肥方式。以中强筋小麦‘徐麦44’为材料,研究设计3种施肥方式:单施化肥(T_(1))、1/3有机肥+2/3化肥配施(T_(2))、单施有机肥(T_(3)),通过对籽粒蛋白质含量、粉质质量指数、面粉吸水率、面团的形成时间和稳定时间、粉质质量指数等粉质参数、淀粉含量、淀粉糊化特性、籽粒容重进行测定,并进行差异显著性检验,分析施肥对产量及品质的影响。结果表明,T_(2)处理的产量及其三因素、籽粒容重、沉降值、吸水率、淀粉含量、糊化特性与T_(1)处理相比均无显著差异,而籽粒蛋白质含量、形成时间、稳定时间、粉质质量指数均显著高于T_(1)处理,弱化度显著低于T_(1)处理;与T_(1)、T_(2)处理相比,T_(3)处理显著降低了中强筋小麦的产量及其三因素、蛋白质含量、容重、沉降值以及粉质参数,但是增加了籽粒的淀粉含量和糊化特性相关参数。T_(2)处理在减少化肥施用量的情况下能够稳定小麦产量与品质,甚至在有些品质参数上有所提升,提高了中强筋小麦的面筋强度及加工品质,这在淮北麦区高产、优质中强筋小麦生产绿色施肥方式的探索上有一定指导意义。 To explore the green fertilization method for high-yield and high-quality medium strong gluten wheat in Huaibei wheat area under the condition of maintaining yield and quality.The medium-strong gluten wheat‘Xumai 44’was used as material,the effects of single application of chemical fertilizer(T_(1)),1/3 organic fertilizer+2/3 chemical fertilizer combined application(T_(2))and single application of organic fertilizer(T_(3))on yield and quality were studied.The results indicated that the yield and its three factors,test weight,sedimentation volume,water absorption,starch content and flour RVA parameters of 1/3 organic fertilizer+2/3 fertilizer combined treatment(T_(2))had no significant difference compared with that of single fertilizer(T_(1))treatment.The protein content,development time,stability time and quality number were significantly higher than that of T_(1) treatment,and degree of softening was significantly lower than that of T_(1) treatment.Compared with T_(1) and T_(2) treatments,T_(3) treatment reduced the yield,protein content,test weight,sedimentation volume,farinograph parameters of medium-strong gluten wheat significantly,but it increased grain starch content and flour RVA parameters.T_(2) treatment could stabilize wheat yield and quality under the condition of reducing chemical fertilizer application amount,and even improved some quality parameters,which was conducive to improving the gluten strength and processing quality of medium-strong gluten wheat.It would have certain guiding significance in exploring green fertilization methods for high-yield and high-quality medium-strong gluten wheat production in Huaibei wheat area.
作者 刘立伟 易媛 刘静 王静 张娜 朱雪成 赵娜 张会云 马红勃 刘东涛 冯国华 LIU Liwei;YI Yuan;LIU Jing;WANG Jing;ZHANG Na;ZHU Xuecheng;ZHAO Na;ZHANG Huiyun;MA Hongbo;LIU Dongtao;FENG Guohua(Jiangsu Xuhuai Regional Institute of Agricultural Science,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221131)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2024年第24期17-20,共4页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系项目“国家小麦产业技术体系徐州综合试验站”(CARS 3-2-10) 省重点研发计划“淮北地区优质强筋小麦新品种选育”(BE2021310) 徐州市2023年度现代农业重点项目“抗病强筋小麦种质创制及新品种选育”(KC23124)。
关键词 小麦 产量 品质 有机无机肥配施 淮北麦区 中强筋小麦 绿色施肥 wheat yield quality combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers Huaibei Wheat Region strong-gluten wheat green fertilization
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