

Spatial Expressions of Time:Community Building Under Resource Constraint Taking into Account Age and Child-Friendly
摘要 老龄化、少子化“两化叠加”,正成为城市治理最为现实的挑战。作为应对,社区建设有必要兼顾起老幼友好发展理念。这既是资源约束下的一种现实选择,又是一种“对时间的空间表达”。基于“时间附着于空间”的分析框架,可以发现,兼顾老幼友好的社区实践显影在物质空间、社会空间、治理空间与网络空间四大维度,落脚到国家、社会与个体三大主体。然而,在不同维度的老幼友好实践中,这三大主体各有侧重、各循其道。其中,国家力量倾心打造物质层面的老幼友好,显示出“时间坍缩于空间”的实践逻辑;社会力量致力于推进社会层面的老幼友好,形塑着“时间游移于空间”的实践逻辑;个体力量向往实现治理层面的老幼友好,趋近于“时间溢出于空间”的实践逻辑。多种逻辑并存的结构,既呈现出推进老幼友好的丰富可能性,又在本质上规定了老幼友好实践的限度所在。而老幼友好理念与老幼友好实践之间的距离,则折射出各大主体在处理“时间—空间”关系时的焦虑体验。就此而言,提升相关建设的要旨在于,把握年龄的具身性而非年龄的时间性。 The“double whammy”of ageing and low fertility is posing the most realistic questions for urban governance.As a response,community building needs to take into account the elderly and the young,which is not only a realistic choice under resource constraints,but also a“spatial expression of time”.Based on the analytical framework of“time attached to space”,it can be found that the community practice is manifested in four dimensions-physical space,social space,governance space and cyberspace.It is anchored in the three main subjects-the state,the society and the individual.However,in different dimensions of practice,these three actors have their own focuses and follow their own paths.Among them,the state force is dedicated to the material level,showing the practical logic of“time collapsing into space”;the social force is committed to promoting the social level,shaping the practical logic of“time moving into space”.The individual forces aspiring to realize the governance level,approaching the practical logic of“time overflowing into space”.The coexistence of these multiple logics not only shows the rich possibilities,but also essentially defines the limits of the practice of taking into account the elderly and the young.The distance between the concept and the practice reflects the anxiety of the subjects in dealing with the relationship of“time-space”.Thus,the thrust is to capture the embodied nature of age rather than the temporal nature of it.
作者 周望 黄嘉宁 李庚泰 ZHOU Wang;HUANG Jianing;LI Gengtai
出处 《深圳社会科学》 2024年第5期115-124,160,共11页 Social Sciences in Shenzhen
关键词 老幼友好 老龄化 少子化 社区建设 城市治理 age and child-friendly ageing low fertility community building urban governance
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