

An Evaluation for Impacts of Illuminating Crosswalk Markings on Driving Safety under Low Visibility Conditions
摘要 城市人行横道在夜间、雾天等低能见度环境下交通事故频发。交通设施视认性能不足、未能提供有效的冲突预警是重要原因。为探究新型发光标线与普通标线相比对于提升驾驶人视认距离、提供交通冲突预警的作用,基于Cinema 4D软件设计夜间及雾天2种低能见度行车场景,开展驾驶模拟实验,获取微观个体驾驶行为数据,使用Wilcoxon符号秩检验方法和Friedman秩和检验方法深入分析标线的发光颜色、发光模式、发光位置因素对于驾驶人视认距离及纵向速度调控行为的影响。实验结果表明:①低能见度场景中驾驶人在发光标线下的视认距离显著大于普通标线,夜间场景中白色、黄色和红色发光标线下驾驶人视认距离分别提升36%,21%,54%,雾天场景中白色、黄色和红色发光标线下驾驶人视认距离分别提升34%,17%,47%;②低能见度环境中,车辆在白色和红色发光标线下的减速幅度较普通标线显著增大,在黄色发光标线下减速幅度变化不显著,夜间场景中白色、红色发光标线下车辆减速幅度较普通标线分别提升了101%,150%,雾天场景中白色、红色发光标线下车辆减速幅度较普通标线分别提升了142%,194%;③发光标线的光源、发光形式与颜色对于驾驶人视认距离的影响具有显著的交互作用,标线不同属性的组合方式对驾驶人视认距离大小的影响有显著差异。 Frequent traffic accidents occur at urban pedestrian crossings during nighttime and foggy conditions due to low visibility.Insufficient visibility of traffic facilities and the lack of effective conflict warnings are significant factors.Driving simulation experiments are conducted to explore the effectiveness of new illuminating crosswalk markings compared to regular markings in enhancing drivers’visibility distance and providing traffic conflict warn-ings.These experiments are based on two low-visibility scenarios:nighttime and foggy conditions,designed using Cinema 4D software.Microscopic individual driving behavior data are collected.The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Friedman rank sum test are used to deeply analyze the impact of luminescent color,luminescent mode,and lu-minescent position on drivers’visibility distance and longitudinal speed adjustment behavior.The results show that the drivers’visibility distance with illuminating crosswalk markings is significantly greater than with regular mark-ings in low-visibility scenarios.In nighttime scenarios,the visibility distance with white,yellow,and red illuminat-ing crosswalk markings increased by 36%,21%,and 54%,respectively.In foggy scenarios,the visibility distance with white,yellow,and red illuminating crosswalk markings increased by 34%,17%,and 47%,respectively.Be-sides,the deceleration magnitude of vehicles with white and red illuminating crosswalk markings is significantly greater than with regular markings in low-visibility environments,while the deceleration magnitude with yellow illu-minating crosswalk markings is not significant.In nighttime scenarios,the deceleration magnitude of vehicles with white and red illuminating crosswalk markings increased by 101%and 150%,respectively,compared to regular markings.In foggy scenarios,the deceleration magnitude of vehicles with white and red illuminating crosswalk markings increased by 142%and 194%,respectively,compared to regular markings.Moreover,the light source,lu-minescent form,and color of the illuminating crosswalk markings have a significant interactive effect on drivers’visibility distance.Different combinations of marking attributes significantly impact drivers’visibility distance.
作者 杜昊天 陈丰 李琛 王若霖 潘晓东 DU Haotian;CHEN Feng;LI Chen;WANG Ruolin;PAN Xiaodong(The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering,Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 201804,China)
出处 《交通信息与安全》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期59-66,共8页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51978522)资助。
关键词 交通安全 发光标线 驾驶行为 驾驶模拟实验 视认距离 低能见度 traffic safety illuminating markings driving behavior driving simulation experiments visual recogni-tion distance low visibility
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