

The Road of Three-Industry Integration for Rural Revital-ization:An Empirical Study on the Development Level of Tea Tourism Integration in the Top 100 Counties of the National Tea Industry
摘要 茶旅融合是农村三产融合发展的重要抓手,是贯彻习近平总书记在武夷山考察时强调的“要统筹做好茶文化、茶产业、茶科技这篇大文章”重要讲话精神的重要举措。基于2020年国内茶业百强县的茶旅数据,对各县茶产业和旅游业的耦合协调水平进行了测度分析,结果表明:一是茶业百强县茶旅融合水平还处在初级阶段,有聚合而非深度耦合;二是茶旅融合的主导因素是“茶产业”,茶业发展排名靠前的县域茶旅耦合协调度较高;三是茶旅融合程度的区域差异较大,四大茶区之间和单个茶区内部都存在分异的情况。主要原因在于“九龙治水”导致的各部门间衔接程度和融合程度不深、市场主体作用发挥不完全所致的融资渠道不畅、教育培训滞后导致的专业性人才缺位、传统茶文化和手工艺保护缺位导致文化地标打造困难。基于此,提出以“部门职能融合”推动“茶旅实体融合”、以“融资多元化”改善“政府大包大揽”、以“立体化人才储备”弥补“茶旅人才匮乏”、“茶叶品牌”与“旅游品牌”双向赋能等建议。 Tea tourism integration is an important breakthrough and entry point in the integrated development of rural three industries,and is an important initiative to implement the spirit of the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping,who emphasized that"we should do a good job in the tea culture,tea industry,tea science and technology"during his visit to Wuyi Mountain.Based on the 2020 domestic tea industry top 100 counties of tea tourism data,the county tea industry and tourism coupling and coordination level of measurement and analysis,the results show that:First,the tea industry top 100 counties tea tourism integration level is still in the primary stage,and there is an aggregation rather than the depth of the coupling;Second,the tea tourism integration of the dominant factor is the"tea industry",and the development of the tea industry ranks ahead of the county tea tourism coupling and coordination level;Third,the degree of tea-tourism integration varies significaly across regions,showing distinctions both among the four major tea regions and within each tea region.The main reason lies in the unclear division of responsibilities and powers resulting from the degree of convergence between the departments and the degree of integration is not deep,the role of market players to play the role of incomplete due to poor financing channels,three is the lag in education and training resulting in the lack of specialized personnel,and four is the lack of protection of the traditional tea culture and handicrafts resulting in the creation of cultural landmarks to create difficulties.Based on this,it is proposed that"integration of departmental functions"to promote the"integration of tea-tourism entities","diversified financing"to improve"the government to take care of everything","three-dimensional talent pool"to make up for"lack of tea-tourism talent","tea brand"and"tourism brand"two-way empowerment and other recommendations.
作者 熊正贤 刘丽 Xiong Zhengxian;Liu Li(College of Finance and Economics,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing,408100;College of Economics and Management,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing,401331)
出处 《中国乡村振兴学》 2024年第1期101-121,共21页 Rural Revitalization Studies in China
基金 2021年度重庆社科规划重点项目“巴蜀文化旅游走廊的理论体系与实践路径研究”(2021WL02)。
关键词 茶旅融合 茶业百强县 耦合 产业融合 四大茶区 Tea-tourism integration top 100 tea counties coupling industrial integration four major tea regions








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