

Pity and Farewell:Lu Xun’s Spiritual Perspective during his Summer Trip to the West in 1924
摘要 鲁迅1924年暑期的西行之旅,缘起偶然却又仓促成行,与他当时正陷于兄弟交恶升级、身心备受煎熬、愤懑无从排遣、窘况无力转圜的极端困境,存在若干事端头绪可证的紧密关系。全程往返36天,两度途经河南并歇脚,一次登岸山西且小憩,20天讲学、阅市、观剧、宴游于长安。其行踪匆促,其言动喧哗,既不散淡,更不悠闲,唯因直陈现场见闻、细述当时情状的笔墨辞章的缺失,遂致定格为鲁迅履历中一段节外生枝的小插曲。参照孙伏园《长安道上》刻意而为的同步描述,联系鲁迅本人“忽然想到”式的有关片言只语,抵近1924年及其前后一两年鲁迅猝不及防地踏地雷、跨陷阱的人生剧情现场,再作详察,或许可见:面向执着于诚与爱的血勇之士的敬惜与揖别这一“神思”姿态,不仅贯穿了鲁迅这趟西行之旅的全程,而且在他之后信笔提及长安的字里行间还屡有闪现,在他着力经营的后续小说创作中,更有形象化和主题化的纵深展开。 The unplanned yet hastily undertaken trip to the West during the summer of 1924 held significant relevance for Lu Xun at a time when he grappled with intense fraternal animosity while enduring physical and mental anguish without respite from anger or solace.Spanning a total duration of thirty-six days with two stops in Henan followed by another pause upon passing by Shanxi for restorative purposes,Lu Xun dedicated twenty days to lectures as well as visits to historical sites,spectating dramas along with banquet tours within Xi’an.Due to an absence of direct contemporaneous descriptions,the resultant portrayal encapsulates merely a fleeting episode within Lu Xun’s life story.Nevertheless,referring to the deliberate synchronous deep description in Sun Fuyuan’s On the Road to Chang’an and Lu Xun’s own sporadic remarks in the style of“Suddenly Thought”,approaching the scene of Lu Xun’s life drama around 1924 when he was unexpectedly encountering difficulties,perhaps it can be seen that the spiritual perspective of respecting and bidding farewell to the courageous and sincere people not only runs through his entire westward journey but also frequently appears in his subsequent mentions of Chang’an and has an in-depth figurative and thematic development in his subsequent novel creation.
作者 李林荣 LI Lin-rong(School of Culture and Communication,Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024,China)
出处 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第5期41-51,共11页 Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“鲁迅著译实践编年研究”(17BZW148)。
关键词 鲁迅 1924年西行之旅 神思 敬惜与揖别 Lu Xun trip to Xi’an in 1924 spiritual perspective pity and farewell
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