

Psychological Help-seeking Needs of Pregnant and Postpartum Women at High Risk of Perinatal Depression:A Qualitative Study
摘要 目的了解孕产妇围产期抑郁高危人群的心理求助需求,为临床针对性开展孕产妇情绪管理方案提供参考。方法2022年7月至2023年2月,目的抽样法抽取广东省中山市2所三级甲等医院产科门诊和病房的孕产妇,开展半结构化访谈,采用Colaizzi 7步分析法对访谈资料进行分析。结果归纳为3个主题,10个亚主题:(1)心理求助资源欠缺(医保政策宣传不足;医疗设施配置欠妥;社区心理服务有限)。(2)心理求助观念差异(求助认知偏差;求助效果疑虑;求助意识薄弱)。(3)心理求助需求多样(亟需家庭支持;渴望信息获取;倾向专业求助;选择方式灵活)。结论心理保健专业人员需关注孕产妇围产期抑郁高危人群的心理求助需求,增加心理求助资源,加强正确观念引导,促进多维度情绪管理方案的制定。 Objective To understand the psychological help-seeking needs of pregnant and postpartum women at high risk of perinatal depression,so as to provide reference for the development of targeted emotional management plans for pregnant and postpartum women in the clinical practice.Methods From July 2022 to February 2023,a purposive sampling method was used to conduct semi-structured interviews with pregnant and postpartum women from obstetric clinics and wards of two tertiary A hospitals in Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province,and the data were analyzed by Colaizzi 7-steps analysis method.Results A total of three themes(10 sub themes)were extracted:(1)lack of psychological help resources(insufficient publicity of medical insurance policies,inadequate provision of medical facilities,and limited community psychological service);(2)difference in psychological help-seeking concepts(cognitive help-seeking bias,doubts about help-seeking effect,and weak help-seeking awareness);(3)diversity of psychological help-seeking needs(urgency of family support,desire for information,and trend to seek professional help,flexible choices).Conclusions Psychological health personnel need to focus on the psychological help-seeking needs of pregnant and postpartum women at high risk of depression during the perinatal period,increase resources for psychological help,strengthen the guidance of correct concepts,and promote the development of multi-dimensional emotional management plans.
作者 马海拢 雷婷婷 李敏 高雅琴 赵倩倩 王慕瑶 陈瑜 MA Hailong;LEI Tingting;LI Min;GAO Yaqin;ZHAO Qianqian;WANG Muyao;CHEN Yu(School of Nursing,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,Guangdong Province,China)
出处 《军事护理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期29-32,共4页 MILITARY NURSING
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72274090、71874075) 广东省本科高校在线开放课程指导委员会研究课题(2022ZXKC085)。
关键词 孕产妇 围产期抑郁 心理求助 需求 质性研究 pregnant and postpartum women perinatal depression psychological help need qualitative study
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