

Friendship of Nephews and Uncles:The Pacificatory Intermarriages between Tang Dynasty and Uighur Khanate and the Construction of Community for Chinese Nation
摘要 唐朝大力推行和亲政策,其内容和形式、深度和广度都远超前代,并与周边主要民族政权缔结了稳定的“甥舅”关系,极大地促进了各民族交往交流交融及其对唐朝的政治认同,增强了中华民族共同体的凝聚力,有效维护了“大一统”的政治秩序。其中,唐朝与回鹘之间的和亲及其“甥舅”关系的建立无疑最具代表性。二者以和亲为纽带,结成休戚与共的命运共同体,构建了血浓于水的“甥舅之谊”和历史记忆,并在此基础上通过共构政治格局、共塑经济秩序、共享社会文化等途径,强化了回鹘对中原王朝的认同,促进了中原与边疆的一体化进程,进而为中华民族共同体的凝聚与发展奠定了坚实而长久的基础。作为中国古代各民族交往交流交融的重要形式和路径,和亲不仅在中华各民族的凝聚和一体化过程中发挥了独特的作用,而且具有深厚的“和合”思想底蕴,体现出中华文明突出的连续性、创新性、统一性、包容性、和平性。 The Pacificatory Intermarriages is one of the crucial forms and paths of communication and integration between diverse ethnic groups or regimes in ancient China.It not only played a special role in fostering cohesion and inte-gration of all ethnic groups in China,but also occupied a distinctive position in the history of the formation and develop-ment of the Chinese national community,with historical unity and continuity.One generation of the Tang Dynasty vigor-ously promoted the policy of intimacy with neighboring nationalities,surpassing the previous generation in terms of con-tent,form,depth and breadth,This led to the establishment of a stable relationship with neighboring major ethnic regimes,which significantly enhanced the exchanges between ethnic groups in China and their political recognition of the Tang Dy-nasty,This further enhanced the cohesion of the Chinese nation community,and effectively maintained the unified politi-cal order.Notably,the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and Uighur Khanate and the establishment of their“Friend-ship of nephews and uncles”relationship is the most representative;This kinship tie deepened the blood-related fusion be-tween the Central Plains Dynasty and the border ethnic minorities,constructing the close emotion ties and historical mem-ories of the“Friendship of nephews and uncles”,whose blood is thicker than water.Building upon this foundation through co-constructing political structures,sharing social culture and co-molding economic orders,they strengthened the Uighur Khanate recognition of the Central Plains Dynasty,while promoting the integration process between the Central Plains and the border ethnic minorities,and laid a robust long-term foundation for cohesion and development of the Chinese nation community.
作者 王欣 耿蕾 WANG Xin;GENG Lei(Institute for Western Frontier Region of China,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710062,China;The Party School of the Communisty Party of China Urumqi Municipal Committe,Urumqi 830000,China)
出处 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第5期116-123,共8页 Journal of North Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 国家社科基金专项重点项目(23VXJ001)。
关键词 唐朝 回鹘 “甥舅之谊” 中华民族共同体 Tang Dynasty Uighur Khanate “The Friendship of Nephews and Uncles” The Community for Chinese Nation
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