The analytical solution of a thermo-poro-elastic medium in static state weakened by a Griffith crack with finite width is presented.By virtue of the Fourier cosine and sine integral transform techniques,the mixed boundary-value problem is formulated as three pairs of dual integral equations,which are solved with the help of the Abel transform.In addition,the stress intensity factor of mode Ⅰ and the crack surface displacement are presented analytically.Numerical examples are performed to show the distribution of displacement and stress over the thermo-poro-elastic medium.The results indicate that the thermal load will increase or decrease the crack surface displacement,but has a weak influence on the stress intensity factor.The present work may benefit future engineering applications.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.12202370)
the Research Startup Fund of Chengdu University of Technology(No.10912-KYQD2022-09841).