

Effects of Hot-rolling Temperature on Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of 1060/6201/1060 Composite Plates
摘要 通过首道次大变形量热轧、再经两道次冷轧方式成功制备了1060/6201/1060三层复合板,详细考察了不同热轧温度对复合板力学性能及导电性能的影响。结果表明,随着热轧温度的升高,复合板的力学性能逐渐降低,导电率先升高后降低。在200℃热轧时,抗拉强度为257.21 MPa,导电率为57.45%IACS,综合性能最佳。在300、400℃轧制时,由于发生动态回复,析出相粗化,基体晶粒长大,复合板的强度降低,伸长率提高,导电率增加。 1060/6201/1060 three-layer composite plates were successfully prepared by the first-pass large deformation hot rolling and the subsequent two-pass cold rolling.The effects of various hot-rolling temperatures on the mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the composite plate were investigated in detail.The results show that the mechanical properties of the composite plates gradually decrease,and the electrical conductivity first increases and then decreases with the increase of the hot rolling temperature.After hot-rolling at 200℃,the tensile strength of the composite plate is 257.21 MPa,the electrical conductivity is 57.45%IACS,a best comprehensive property is obtained.During rolling at 300℃and 400℃,the strength of the composite plate decreases,the elongation increases and the electrical conductivity increases due to dynamic recovery,coarsening of the precipitates,and the growth of matrix grains.
作者 杨磊 边丽萍 冀宏亮 王鹏辉 王涛 梁伟 薛峰平 YANG Lei;BIAN Liping;JI Hongliang;WANG Penghui;WANG Tao;LIANG Wei;XUE Fengping(School of Materials Science and Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;Engineering Research Center of Advanced Metal Composites Forming Technology and Equipment,Ministry of Education,Taiyuan University ofTechnology,Taiyuan 030024,China;ShanxiKeyLaboratory ofAdvancedMagness-iumBasedMaterials,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China;Chinalco ShanxiNewMaterials Co.,Ltd.,Hejin 044000,China)
出处 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2024年第17期107-110,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFA0707304) 山西省重点研发计划项目(201903D121078)。
关键词 6201铝合金 复合板 力学性能 导电性能 6201 aluminum alloy composite plate mechanical properties electrical conductivity
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