

Physiological responses of different quinoa varieties during seedling stage under low temperature stress
摘要 【目的】研究低温胁迫对不同藜麦品种幼苗生理生化特性的影响,为探索藜麦耐寒品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】选用近几年在新疆伊犁河谷选育出的藜麦品种,经藜麦种子低温发芽试验,选出抗寒性较强的4个藜麦品种(系)编号分别为YN_(1)、YN_(2)、YN_(3)、YN_(4)为试验材料,采取营养土育苗的方法,在人工模拟低温胁迫条件下(-4℃)进行低温处理,设置正常自然温度处理为对照。【结果】(1)藜麦对连续的-4℃低温处理具有较强的耐受性。经过低温处理的藜麦抗寒差异显著,其中YN_(4)的抗低温能力最强,YN_(1)的耐低温能力较强,YN_(3)和YN_(2)的耐低温能力较弱。(2)低温胁迫可导致叶片净光合速率、气孔导度的显著降低,光合速率由于气孔的关闭导致生长速率的降低。低温胁迫未对藜麦的光合代谢产生较大的负向影响。(3)抗氧化酶是调节藜麦耐寒性的重要活性物质,品种间活性差异显著。低温处理可显著提升超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化物酶POD和丙二醛MDA活性,降低过氧化氢酶CAT的活性。耐寒性较强的品种通过提升关键性抗氧化酶活性抵抗低温胁迫。(4)稳定同位素和茎秆氮素浓度可衡量藜麦耐低温能力。【结论】低温处理使藜麦显著降低了水分和氮素代谢过程。耐低温品种通过加速水分吸收,加速氮素代谢进程来缓解低温导致的伤害。藜麦较耐低温胁迫,但是不同品种的耐受程度有所差异。 【Objective】To explore the effects of low temperature stress on physiological and biochemical characteristics of quinoa seedlings,and to provide theoretical basis for exploring the cold tolerance mechanism and breeding of quinoa varieties.【Methods】The top 4 varieties YN_(1),YN_(2),YN_(3) and YN_(4) with strong cold resistance were selected as experimental materials through low temperature germination test of quinoa seeds selected in Yili Valley in recent years,and the seedlings were raised in nutrient soil and treated at low temperature under artificial simulated low temperature stress environment(-4℃).Normal natural temperature treatment was set as control.【Results】(1)Quinoa had strong tolerance to continuous low temperature treatment of-4℃.When treated with low temperature it showed significant differences in cold resistance,among which variety YN_(4) had the strongest low temperature resistance,variety YN_(1) had the stronger low temperature resistance,and variety YN_(3) and variety YN_(2) had the weaker low temperature resistance.(2)Low temperature stress could significantly reduce the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of leaves,and the photosynthetic rate decreased the growth rate due to stomatal closure.Low temperature stress had no negative effect on photosynthetic metabolism of quinoa.(3)The active substances of antioxidant enzymes were important substances to regulate the cold tolerance of quinoa,and there were significant differences in activity among varieties.The activities of SOD,POD and MDA were significantly increased by low temperature treatment,while the activities of CAT were decreased.Strains with strong cold tolerance would have low resistance to low temperature stress by increasing the activity of key antioxidant enzymes.(4)Stable isotope and stem nitrogen concentration were important criteria for measuring the low temperature tolerance of quinoa.Low temperature treatment significantly reduced water and nitrogen metabolism of quinoa.【Conclusion】Low temperature resistant varieties could alleviate the damage caused by low temperature by accelerating water absorption and nitrogen metabolism.The results showed that quinoa was more tolerant to low temperature stress,but the tolerance degree of different varieties was different.
作者 姚庆 王杰花 西尔娜依·阿不都拉 地力木拉提·吐拉洪 崔宏亮 YAO Qing;WANG Jiehua;Xiernayi Abudula;Dilimulati Tulahong;CUI Hongliang(Institute of Agricultural Science of Yili Prefecture,Ining Xinjiang 835000,China)
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1597-1604,共8页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发计划项目“新疆藜麦绿色生产关键技术研发”课题三“藜麦病虫草害绿色防控技术的研究”(2022B02010-3) 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目“藜麦苗期低温胁迫的生理响应及旱作冷凉区适应性研究”(2020D01B54)。
关键词 藜麦 苗期 低温胁迫 生理生化 quinoa seedling stage low temperature stress physiology and biochemistry
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