

The Praxis Logic and the World Historic Implication of“The Second Combination”
摘要 “两个结合”是中国共产党取得成功的最大法宝,其中“第二个结合”是又一次的思想解放。从世界历史的客观规律来看,我们依然处在马克思所指明的时代,马克思主义把先进的思想理论带到中国,以真理之光激活了中华文明的基因,引领中国走进现代世界,推动了中华文明的生命更新和现代转型;中华优秀传统文化充实了马克思主义的文化生命,推动马克思主义不断实现中国化时代化的新飞跃。从世界历史的发展道路来讲,世界上不存在定于一尊的现代化模式,中国式现代化赋予中华文明以现代力量,中华文明赋予中国式现代化以深厚底蕴;中国式现代化展现了现代化的另一幅图景,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的路径选择,为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供了中国方案。从世界历史的价值取向来讲,每一种文明都扎根于自己的生存土壤,凝聚着一个国家、一个民族的非凡智慧与价值追求,文明多样性是人类社会的基本特征;坚持马克思主义与中华优秀传统文化相结合,就是要实现“魂脉”与“根脉”的融通,在赋予中国式现代化强大精神力量的同时,开创了人类文明新形态。 The“two combinations”represent the most potent tools for the success of the Communist Party of China(CPC),and“the second combination”means another effort to emancipate our minds.From the objective laws of world history,we are still in the era pointed out by Marx.Marxism has brought advanced ideologies and theories to China,activating the genes of Chinese civilization with the light of truth,guiding China into the modern world,and facilitating the renewal and modern transformation of Chinese civilization.The excellent traditional Chinese culture has enriched the cultural life of Marxism and has pushed Marxism to make a new leap forward in Chineseization and modernization.Meanwhile,the fine traditional Chinese culture has enriched the cultural vitality of Marxism,propelling it towards new leaps in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times.In terms of the development path of world history,there is no single authorized model of modernization.Chinese-style modernization endows Chinese civilization with modern strength,while Chinese civilization,in turn,provides Chinese-style modernization with profound foundations.Chinese-style modernization presents an alternative vision of modernization,expanding the path choices for developing countries towards modernization and offering a Chinese solution to humanity’s quest for better social systems.In terms of the value orientation of world history,every civilization is rooted in its own soil of existence,uniting the extraordinary wisdom and value pursuit of a country and a nation,and the diversity of civilizations is a basic feature of human society.The adherence to the combination of Marxism and the fine traditional Chinese culture aims to achieve the integration of the“soul”and the“roots”,endowing Chinese-style modernization with formidable spiritual strength while pioneering a new model for human progress.
作者 刘富胜 李琰 Liu Fusheng;Li Yan
出处 《行政与法》 2024年第9期13-23,共11页 Administration and Law
基金 重庆市社科规划英才计划项目“马克思主义基本原理同中华优秀传统文化相结合的理论创新研究”,项目编号:2022YC020 重庆市高等教育教学改革研究重点项目“重庆地方特色文化有机融入高校思政课的路径研究”,项目编号:232083。
关键词 “第二个结合” 世界历史 价值意蕴 “the second combination” world history value implication
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