

Design and application of Pressure Injury nursing decision support system
摘要 目的:构建压力性损伤(Pressure Injury,PI)护理决策支持系统,探讨其在PI管理中的应用效果。方法:组建研发小组,基于最新指南证据与实践推荐构建PI评估内容及护理措施知识库,设置人机交互规则,借助计算机智能化自动生成基于评估的伤口局部处理措施,实现对PI全方位评估和个性化护理功能。比较该系统应用前后PI分期及组织类型识别正确率、PI治疗有效率和PI护理记录环节落实率。结果:应用PI护理决策支持系统后,PI分期识别正确率由84.5%提高至96.0%,组织类型识别正确率由79.5%提高至93.5%;PI治疗有效率从68.2%提高至82.4%,4个时间点测量的PI护理记录环节落实率分别由75.4%、81.1%、88.3%、77.7%提高至92.7%、96.0%、94.8%、94.3%,与应用前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:使用PI护理决策支持系统,提高了PI治疗的有效率和护理记录的规范性,促进了PI护理质量提高。 Objective:To construct the Pressure Injury(PI)nursing decision support system and explore its effectiveness in PI management.Methods:Establish a research and development team,construct a PI assessment content and nursing measures knowledge base based on the latest guideline evidence and practice recommendations,and to design Human-computer interaction rules.Using computer intelligence achieve comprehensive evaluation and recording of PI.Compare the accuracy of PI staging and tissue type identification,the effectiveness of PI treatment,and the implementation rate of PI nursing record before and after the application of the decision support system.Results:After applying the decision support system,the correct rate of PI staging judgment increased from 84.5%to 96.0%,and the correct rate of tissue type judgment increased from 79.5%to 93.5%,the effective rate of PI treatment increased from 68.2%to 82.4%,the implementation rate of PI nursing records measured at 4 time points has increased from 75.4%,81.1%,88.3%,and 77.7%to 92.7%,96.0%,94.8%,and 94.3%,respectively,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:The use of the PI nursing decision support system improved the effectiveness of PI treatment and the standardization of nursing records,promoting an increase in the quality of PI nursing care.
作者 蔡一伟 陆秋芳 唐忠 赵翠松 文春艳 CAI Yiwei;LU Qiufang;TANG Zhong;ZHAO Cuisong;WEN Chunyan(School of Information and Management,Guangxi Medical University,Nanning,530021,China)
出处 《中国护理管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1251-1255,共5页 Chinese Nursing Management
关键词 压力性损伤 护理 决策支持系统 Pressure Injury nursing decision support system
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