

Research on the Appliation of New Production System in Bodyshop
摘要 为解决焊装车间缓存区过大,不同车间过渡时缓存区立体库过大,物料流控制简单、存放区巨大、存货数量多等粗放式控制问题,开发出智慧化生产控制管理(PFM)系统\助力白车身采用精准的珍珠链订单式生产控制模式,高柔性新型库位规划(0,X)、(1,X)和(1+Y)的应用进一步改善了车间工艺设备占地面积和物流使用面积,降低了车间设备投资,减少了漆前、漆后车身存储立体库容积。 In order to solve the extensive control of excessive large buffer area in and large welding workshop,large buffer stereoscopic storehouse during different shops transition,simple material flow control inventory quantity,Beijing Benz has developed an intelligent production flow management(PFM)system to assist the BIW to adopt the precise pearl chain order type production control mode,the application of the high flexibility new bin planning(0,X),(1,X)and(1+Y)further improves the workshop process equipment floor area and logistics area,reduces the workshop equipment investment,and reduces the body storage house volume.
作者 杨军 Yang Jun(Beijing Benz Automotive Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 101300)
出处 《汽车工艺与材料》 2024年第9期59-66,共8页 Automobile Technology & Material
关键词 智慧化 生产控制 生产控制管理系统 柔性库位 物料供应 Intelligent Production control PFM Flexible Bin Logistics supply
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