

Effects of exogenous spermidine on nitrogen metabolism,dynamic changes of endogenous hormones in leaves and fruit quality of wine grape
摘要 为探究亚精胺(Spd)对酿酒葡萄叶片氮代谢、内源激素和果实品质的影响,筛选适于葡萄生产的Spd处理方法。本研究以10年生雷司令葡萄为试验材料,于开花期、坐果期、膨大期、转色期叶面喷施不同浓度[0.3 mmol/L(T1)、0.6 mmol/L(T2)、0.9 mmol/L(T3)、1.2 mmol/L(T4)]的亚精胺溶液,以喷施清水为对照(CK),测定不同时期叶片氮代谢、内源激素含量和果实品质相关指标,利用主成分分析法对果实品质进行综合评价。研究结果表明,适宜浓度的外源Spd处理能增强葡萄叶片氮代谢能力,提高叶片激动素(KT)、生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA_(3))含量,降低脱落酸(ABA)含量,并提升果实品质;T3处理在转色期显著提高了叶片硝态氮(NO_(3)^(-)-N)和铵态氮(NH_(4)^(+)-N)含量,较CK分别提高37.84%和21.52%;T3处理叶片KT、IAA、GA_(3)含量在开花期、转色期及成熟期显著高于CK;T3处理与CK相比显著提高了果实可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素C、葡萄糖、蔗糖、草酸、酒石酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸和富马酸含量。综上所述,适宜浓度的Spd处理可以增强雷司令葡萄叶片氮代谢能力,提高叶片KT、IAA、GA_(3)含量,降低ABA含量,提升果实品质,根据主成分分析结果,使用0.9 mmol/L Spd处理效果最佳。 To investigate the effects of spermidine(Spd)on nitrogen metabolism,endogenous hormones of wine grape leaves and fruit quality,and screen out the suitable Spd treatment method for wine grape production,10-year-old Riesling grapes were used as experimental materials in this study.Spd solutions of 0.3 mmol/L(T1),0.6 mmol/L(T2),0.9 mmol/L(T3)and 1.2 mmol/L(T4)were sprayed on the leaves at flowering stage,fruit setting stage,expansion stage and veraison stage,and water was sprayed as control(CK).The nitrogen metabolism and the contents of endogenous hormones in leaves at different stages and the related indexes of fruit quality were measured,and the fruit quality was comprehensively evaluated by principal component analysis.The results showed that the appropriate concentration of exogenous Spd treatment could enhance the nitrogen metabolism capacity of grape leaves,increase the contents of kinetin(KT),auxin(IAA)and gibberellin(GA_(3))in leaves,reduce the content of abscisic acid(ABA),and improve fruit quality.Specifically,T3 treatment significantly increased the contents of nitrate nitrogen(NO_(3)^(-))and ammonium nitrogen(NH_(4)^(+))in leaves during the color-changing stage,which were 37.84%and 21.52%higher than those of CK,respectively.The contents of KT,IAA,and GA_(3) in leaves in T3 treatment were significantly higher than those in CK during flowering,color-changing and ripening stages.Compared with CK,T3 treatment significantly increased the contents of soluble solids,soluble sugars,vitamin C,glucose,sucrose,oxalic acid,tartaric acid,citric acid,malic acid,and fumaric acid in fruits.In conclusion,the appropriate concentration of Spd treatment could enhance the nitrogen metabolism capacity of Riesling grape leaves,increase the contents of KT,IAA and GA_(3) in leaves,reduce ABA content,and improve fruit quality.According to the results of principal component analysis,the treatment of 0.9 mmol/L Spd had the best effect.
作者 李斗 王宇航 杨江山 金鑫 王春恒 戴子博 陈亚娟 邵璋 冯丽丹 LI Dou;WANG Yuhang;YANG Jiangshan;JIN Xin;WANG Chunheng;DAI Zibo;CHEN Yajuan;SHAO Zhang;FENG Lidan(College of Horticulture,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China;Research and Development Center of Wine Industry in Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《江苏农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1533-1541,共9页 Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 甘肃省科技计划项目(21CX6NA080) 甘肃省科技重大专项(18ZD2NA006-4)。
关键词 雷司令葡萄 亚精胺 氮代谢 内源激素 果实品质 Riesling grape spermidine nitrogen metabolism endogenous hormone fruit quality
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