

Plants and Their Narratives in Garden in the Dunes from the Perspective of Material Ecocriticism
摘要 在美国当代本土裔作家西尔科的《沙丘花园》中,大量植物文本打破了物质曾固有的沉默客体形象,不仅作为主人公旅行的环境背景展现自身能动性文本叙事,还在推动叙事进程的同时,暗示了西尔科对环境恶化的生态警示与精神危机的人文忧思。借助物质生态批评视域聚焦植物的物质书写,探讨植物如何展现自身跨时空的叙事能力以及人与物内在的互动生成意义,阐释了植物与印第安传统自然观、人类中心主义的生态掠夺、世界融合观下的生态救赎的书写关系。 In Garden in the Dunes by contemporary native American writer Leslie Marmon Silko,a large number of plant texts break the silent object image inherent in matter.They not only show the dynamic textual narrative as the environmental background of the protagonist’s cross-domain travel but also,in advancing the narrative,imply Silko’s ecological warning about environmental degradation and her humanistic concern about spiritual crises.This paper,utilizing the perspective of material ecocriticism,focuses on the material writing of plants,exploring how plants demonstrate their trans-temporal and trans-spatial narrative abilities and the meaning generation of interactivity between humans and matter.It explains the relationship between plants and the Indian traditional view of nature,ecological plunder driven by anthropocentrism,and ecological redemption under the concept of world integration.
作者 胡碧媛 李岚 HU Biyuan;LI Lan(College of International Languages and Cultures,Hohai University,Nanjing 211100,China)
出处 《合肥师范学院学报》 2024年第2期13-18,共6页 Journal of Hefei Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“区域想象与地方再现:当代美国西南小说研究”(22FWWB007) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“当代美国西南小说研究”(B220207014) 河海大学优秀硕士学位论文培育项目“物质生态批评视域下《沙丘花园》‘物’性研究”(422003504)。
关键词 《沙丘花园》 莱斯利·马蒙·西尔科 物质生态批评 物质叙事 植物叙事 Garden in the Dunes Leslie Marmon Silko material ecocriticism material narrative plant narrative
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