

Guideline for risk assessment and prevention of noninvasive ventilation related facial pressure injuries in adults
摘要 目的制订成人无创通气设备相关面部压力性损伤风险评估与预防指南,为临床医护人员实施无创通气相关面部压力性损伤评估与预防提供参考。方法参考《WHO指南制订手册》,通过3轮专家函询确定临床问题。系统检索国内外数据库、指南和相关协会网站,检索时限为建库至2022年6月1日。筛选、提取、综合、评价证据并形成推荐意见,完成指南初稿,通过1轮德尔菲专家函询和1次专家共识会,根据专家意见修改、完善初稿,形成正式指南。结果构建的指南涵盖了危险因素、高危部位、评估工具、评估时机与评估内容、无创通气设备的选择、敷料的选择、预防措施7个方面,包括7个临床问题、15条推荐意见。结论成人无创通气设备相关面部压力性损伤风险评估与预防指南根据最佳证据、临床实际情况以及专业人员判断形成,可为临床医护人员和管理者进行科学决策提供循证依据。 Objective To develop“guideline for risk assessment and prevention of noninvasive ventilation related facial pressure injuries in adults”and to provide a reference for clinical medical staff to evaluate and prevent noninvasive ventilation related facial pressure injuries.Methods Referring to the“WHO Guideline Development Manual”,clinical problems were formed through 3 rounds of Delphi expert consultation.The relevant recommendation opinions and evidence were screened,extracted,integrated and evaluated to form a draft consensus.Through a round of Delphi expert consultation and a round of expert consensus meeting,expert opinions were combined to modify and improve the content of each item to form a final draft of the expert consensus.Results Recommendations for the constructed guideline included 7 aspects of risk factors,high-risk sites,assessment tools,assessment timing and content,selection of non-invasive ventilation equipment,selection of dressings,and preventive measures,including 7 clinical questions and 15 recommendations.Conclusion The“guideline for risk assessment and prevention of noninvasive ventilation related facial pressure injuries in adults”was an evidence-based guideline based on the best evidence,Chinese clinical reality,and professional judgment,and it can provide practice bases for scientific clinical decisions making by clinical medical staff and managers.
作者 甘肃省护理学会 兰州大学护理学院 甘肃省人民医院 四川省德阳市人民医院 韩琳 裴菊红 马玉霞 张红燕 吕琳 陶红霞 何琳 魏育婷 郭肖静 Gansu Provincial Nursing Association;School of Nursing;Lanzhou University;Gansu Provincial Hospital;Deyang People's Hospital of Sichuan Province;HAN Lin;PEI Juhong;MA Yuxia;ZHANG Hongyan;LÜLin;TAO Hongxia;HE Lin;WEI Yuting;GUO Xiaojing
出处 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第17期2093-2095,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nursing
基金 国家自然科学基金(72274087) 甘肃省联合科研基金重大项目(23JRRA1538) 美国中华医学基金会资助的项目(#20-374) 甘肃省重点研发计划项目(23YFFA0006)。
关键词 无创通气 压力性损伤 预防 指南 护理 Noninvasive Ventilation Pressure Injury Prevention Guideline Nursing Care
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