

Exploration and Practice of Online and Offline Hybrid Teaching Model of Standardized Training of Resident Physicians
摘要 住院医师规范化培训对于增强学员的实践能力和医学素养至关重要。随着培训的深入推广,传统教学模式的局限性愈发明显。因此,本文提出了线上线下混合式教学模式,并给出了构建原则。在此原则的指导下,从教学内容、教学方法和评测体系等多个维度构建了混合式教学模式。结合培训团队实践经验,深入剖析了混合式教学模式在实施过程中的难点,并提出了有效的解决措施。通过问卷调查的结果和学员考核成绩显示,混合式教学模式在住院医师规范化培训中能成功地整合了线上线下资源,显著提升了培训效果和学员的学习效率。 Standardized training of resident physicians is crucial for enhancing the practical abilities and medical literacy of trainees.However,as the training gains more popularity,the limitations of traditional teaching methods have become increasingly apparent.Therefore,an online-offline hybrid teaching model of standardized training is proposed.Based on principles for constructing an online and offline hybrid teaching model,the hybrid teaching model is comprehensively constructed including teaching content,teaching methods,and evaluation systems.Combining the practical experience of the teaching team,the difficulties of hybrid teaching model is deeply analyzed and proposes effective solutions.The results of a questionnaire survey indicate that the hybrid teaching model can successfully integrate online and offline resources in the standardized training of resident physicians,significantly improving the training effect and the learning efficiency of trainees.
作者 任臻 欧一凡 巩雪 夏毅 于铭 Ren Zhen;Ou Yifan;Gong Xue;Xia Yi;Yu Ming(The First Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University,Xi’an 710032;Xi’an Daxing Hospital,Xi’an 710003)
出处 《陕西开放大学学报》 2024年第3期87-91,共5页 Journal of The Open University of ShaanXi
基金 省级自然科学基础研究计划-青年项目资助“CD147对类风湿关节炎中性粒细胞NETs形成影响及机制研究”(项目编号:2018JQ8075)。
关键词 线上线下 混合式教学模式 住院医师规范化培训 教学效果 Online-offline teaching mode Hybrid teaching model Standardized training for resident physicians Teaching effectiveness
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