

Strategic Narrative and Hegemony Maintenance:The Discourse Narrative Logic of Biden Administration’s Arctic Strategy
摘要 在进行霸权护持的过程中,美国不仅仅依赖经济、科技、军事等硬实力,也通过话语制衡等方式实施结构性软实力。国家战略叙事被认为是塑造利我情景、调动资源、压制对手、强化联盟、建构行动合法性并赢得国际支持的强有力的话语武器。近期美国《北极地区国家战略》和《北极地区国家战略实施计划》的连续出台标志着拜登政府将气候危机下北极地区的战略重要性置于前所未有的高度。基于此,拜登政府侧重从“议题凸显、话语解构和认知重塑”三个叙事操作机制来推进其北极战略叙事,通过互文性叙事、反叙事和框定性叙事策略来重构北极威胁、凸显敌对国家、塑造国家角色、调动内外资源、联动北约盟友等,从而为美国实现对北极安全秩序的主导以及强化北极区域霸权性领导提供合法性话语叙事支持。全面理解拜登政府北极战略叙事的深层逻辑,有助于有力回应美国对中国参与北极治理行为的污名化并为中国在北极的“冰上丝绸之路”发展提供有益的战略叙事建议。 In the process of maintaining hegemony,the United States not only relies on economic,technological,military and other material power,but also implements structural soft power through discursive balance and other ways.The national strategic narrative is considered to be a powerful discursive weapon to shape self-benefiting scenarios,mobilize resources,suppress rivals,strengthen alliances,construct the legitimacy of action and win international support.The recent successive launch of the“National Strategy for the Arctic Region”and the“Implementation Plan for the 2022 National Strategy for the Arctic Region”indicates that the Biden administration has placed the strategic importance of the Arctic region under the climate crisis on an unprecedented high level.Based on this,the Biden administration focuses on three narrative manipulating mechanisms to advance the U.S.Arctic strategic narrative,which are issue prominence,discourse deconstruction and cognitive reshaping.Meanwhile,narrative strategies which include intertextual strategy,anti-narrative strategy and framing strategy are used to reconstruct the Arctic threat,highlight hostile countries,shape national roles,mobilize internal and external resources,and encourage the engagement of NATO allies,so as to provide legitimate support for the U.S.to achieve dominance over the Arctic security order and strengthen the hegemonic leadership of the Arctic region from a narrative perspective.A comprehensive understanding of the underlying logic of the Biden administration's strategic narrative in the Arctic would help respond to the U.S.stigmatization of China's participation in Arctic governance and provide useful recommendations for the development of China's“Ice Silk Road”in the Arctic.
作者 李昕蕾 盛学敏 LI Xinlei;SHENG Xuemin(Institute of Contemporary Socialism,Shandong University,Qingdao266237,China;School of Political Science and Public Administration,Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期50-63,共14页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“‘双碳’目标下中国提升全球气候治理影响力的战略研究”(23ZDA112)。
关键词 战略叙事 北极战略 霸权护持 拜登政府 气候危机 strategic narratives Arctic strategy hegemony maintenance Biden administration climate crisis
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